
Darwinian evolution at work here?

@dtptampa: Schrodinger's of course.

@92BuickLeSabre: Actually, you can ask for a big CVS bag, those can fit Whole Foods bags.

@MagicTrackpad: Oh so if you reply to someone that person either gets approved or promoted?

@freshspacesdesign: You got approved based on two comments AND starred? Congrats!

@jessica_rod11: It's actually not that hard: keyboard or not? Galaxy S vs iPhone on the other hand...

@♥ Goopplesoft Now: OIC, I feel like I've been here a while but it's still quite confusing sometimes.

@junior ghoul: Why is his comment grey? I thought if it gets promoted it turns black.

@Rodsman: Pink - maybe it's across various sites like lifehacker? Grey usually appears if you aren't starred and black is if you are. Correct me if I'm wrong.

The guy's dressed in a white t-shirt beside a pool with no swimgear, no drink, no sunglasses and no towel. WTF is that creep doing there?

This has nothing to do with MS.

I can't take it when some one uses lightyears as a measure of time. It's a measure of distance!

@BadJoJo: Stop "blaming Canada". Terrence and Philip didn't start this movement.

@BritishAcademic: Thanks. Also got to see the admin stats, quite a number of people got banned this week.

Is that guy reddevil3 for real?

@38thsignal: In general that's the case but if you go to Gizmodo and check out the comments on Apple products, some times you can see the flamewars going crazy.