
Thank you for not showing/linking any of those images, seriously.

@volim: You mean American melons?

@Piledriver: That's cause we're secretly jealous we aren't getting these games.

@Gene: That's er what I'm trying to imply.

@timgray: Agree with the junk argument, although whenever I try to get a pair of custom sunglasses, stores end up charging more than $400 (prescription) for them. Any suggestions?

@raumkrieger: @who doesn't own a suit and would wear jeans to a wedding. Some people own suits and wouldn't wear jeans to a wedding so I guess that answers your question. :)

"Over a lifetime these things add up. Indeed they compound. Even at, say, 4% interest, $200 a year over 50 years adds up to $30,000." This was the last sentence of the article. I would like to ask WSJ: where the hell are you getting 4% from cause all the stupid banks I see don't pay over 2% for a CD.

Isn't Scientology an oxymoron? Religion and science never mix(ed).

@clearbox: The word rate means a percentage and not a hard number. A rate allows comparison between two sets of numbers by normalizing with the total number. Therefore, a smaller rate usually means better results in this case where the population size is big enough.

@jusjrad: I'm sure the complaint rate for their government in N.Korea is less than 0.55%. Man people are numb. Somehow I feel like your comment is quite similar to those I saw on Engadget - down ranked into oblivion.

OK, so Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Jason Statham, Seth Green,

@gizgizgiz: Are BMW's easier to drive than Nissans? Which brings to my point: it's not about the ease of use, it's about the cool factor. "... I submit they wouldn't if those products weren't also highly functional": Not really, users have associated the Apple brand and products with factors that are more important

@gizgizgiz: But it's the same for Skype/Fring, I click on a Contact - Call with Skype and the call gets connected through. You'll have to download the app but there are no restrictions as to whom to call, with Skype out and you can call landlines and cell phones in most countries for free.

@gizgizgiz: How is it easier to use? I don't get the joke. Most people want to buy an Apple product because it's cool, not because it's easy to use. I've used various variants of Windows/Linux and OSX and OSX was the hardest to use out of all 3.

In the mean while, the rest of us can just stick to Skype/Fring on our full fledged OSs. Can someone explain to me how FaceTime is superior to Skype? Do we have to spend more money to use technology that came out a few years ago?

@ghost25: Better said than I. If people took the time to define every aspect of a problem, it could be solved easily.

For the scientifically challenged: there is no chicken and egg problem: the chicken came first. Evolution is a process, not something that occurs instantly. And no, the thing the first chicken was born from is not technically an egg since the chicken evolved to be a chicken and not born into one.

Lots of approvals here on this post...

We want Olivia Wilde.