
@Zanzan42: Fine, Deng alleviated the situation that Mao put those people in. About killings, those were just a part of politics, just like the NA Indians were killed by the early settlers. My points 2 and 3? I never referred to the jailing specifically just in a more general sense. No need for all the semantics.

@Zanzan42: Fine, Deng alleviated the situation that Mao put those people in. About killings, those were just a part of politics, just like the NA Indians were killed by the early settlers. My points 2 and 3? I never referred to the jailing specifically just in a more general sense. No need for all the semantics.

@Zanzan42: I never said "corrected the errors" so I'm not sure who you're quoting.

@DarqWolff: I third, laughed my head off. Although I think you need to get close to knife it and the thing keeps making strange sounds and the kid was afraid to get close.

I believe he made fun of Boost Mobile and Walgreens. That counts for something at BB doesn't it?

In a couple of years, we'll all have tiny limbs from not using them, a beer belly from too excessive food and (in some cases) a large head from using the internet too much.

@W10002: I'm not surprised, that was right after the Korean war in which the Chinese fought against the US. Also, the post-war era of Mao is something the Chinese aren't proud of. It wasn't until Deng Xiaoping when most of his errors were corrected.

@W10002: Is this China you're talking about? War time?

@smirkette: LOL. China should learn and keep it more discreet. I'm guessing here in the US the lawyers will have hell of a time.

Basically every time you charge it, you stick something up its anus?

@Dethzilla: I'm not sure I understand this "No one sued Microsoft over nearly every damn phone that contained their operating system prior to Win7". People probably sued, we just didn't hear about it on Giz. :)

@donlphi: I'm not sure how much they're suing for but it doesn't mean they(the companies) can just get a free-pass, maybe bad publicity and/or deterrent from further buying their products will make a point, but I DO agree it's the lawyers making all the money. Doctors I respect, lawyers, less so.

@Skreenname: That I agree with. For me it's the record that kills.

@guyinkc: What about my opportunity costs? Will Apple repay you the interest owed for the 30-days in an interest bearing account? What if I has my money invested in a Saudi Prince and may have received a 1000% return?

@Skreenname: How much are you willing to get for 2 nights in jail and a permanent record that follows you whenever you apply for a job, housing, loan etc?

@monstermax: And it WILL sell like hotcakes just because it has the fruit logo on it.

What he wrote: Retire, relax, enjoy your family. It is just a phone. Not worth it.

@wuwei23: Didn't know what Dunning-Kruger effect was, looked it up on wiki and LOLed. Now I'm not sure whether this article is sarcastic. Looking at the comments above I'm also worried:

28 students and 10 goes then BAM! we have a theory.

@Swayson: That's my question too. I'm not sure I can trust Mint, just as I don't trust the credit score companies. This is some bizarre world we live in.