
Overall very informative, especially the comparison to gaming consoles.

1.An open (fully disclosed) set of rules that are consistently updated as needed.

@ilves: Lol I guess then they do it to prove the versatility of their OS. Since there's no working port from/to either of the other OSs.

"Wow this is cool... Ahh"

@ilves: I'm not sure people do it 'cause they think Android is the holy grail but iOS would be harder to port due to it being less open and much more hardware dependent. It's the same reason hackintonsh is considered more work than installing some version of Windows.

About phones and phone plans, I heard there are people who spend over 200$/mo on phone bills and are delinquent on their mortgage and expect a work-out from the government. What a twisted world. (This is in the US)

@Korrupt: For free? For how long? I was just trying to say when you have no insurance and drive a newly bought car out of the lot and total it, most likely the manufacturer will not replace it, for free. Thanks for the info though, I would keep it in mind next time I buy a car.

For a moment there I thought there was an iPhone4s out, like the iPhone3Gs.

@ Myth 2: This may be true in general, but if you're using a cast-iron grill/skillet via the burner-oven method, the steak needs to be cooled to room temperature or the excess water will damage the grill.

@stan_i_am: But you can color your own bubble wrap!

@tomsomething: I thought the ride to Qingdao would be shorter now. Your story is like the story where the cripple saw the man with no legs. And yeah, people who take those trains usually aren't pretty.

Is that Dylan McDermott in the middle?

@Onizuka-GTO: lol. I don't think that lion qualifies as beautiful people but it sure is beautiful.

TMo minimum is Even more plus + unlimited data for 30 + 25 = 55 that for 2 years and buying the Nexus 1 for 530 gives 1850.

@BishopBlaize: I'm retarded. Was paying too much attention to the Euro rate, you're right, the USD/GBP rate is around 1.5 which makes 25 about 35$. I sincerely apologize.

@djscruffy: I know, sucks TMo's the cheapest here but unfortunately they have horrible receptions.

@Vascof: Sucks, that means China will never get it.

@BishopBlaize: Now the exchange rate is around 1.2 USD/Pound, if we take into account the bid-ask spread, there's no exaggeration at all. I know it sucks, I was in London when it was around 1.4 and I still thought the phones/plans were unbelievably cheap (so I got myself a TMo Pulse). :) Here in the US cell phone

Where's Canada and China?

@BishopBlaize: Not anymore, these days you're lucky if you can get 30$ for £25.