I wonder... could we find an industry more amenable to scab replacements? eSports aren’t like *real* sports; there are plenty of people who aren’t quite as good, but can provide a reasonable substitute. There’s no way this accomplishes anything.
I wonder... could we find an industry more amenable to scab replacements? eSports aren’t like *real* sports; there are plenty of people who aren’t quite as good, but can provide a reasonable substitute. There’s no way this accomplishes anything.
I waited tables through college and grad school, and I tip because it is the shittiest job in the entire universe:
This is a fine example if why I’m beginning to dislike SO many of the reviews here. Someone that doesn’t get ‘it’ talking about something they clearly have very little interest in. Many contemporary reviewers could do with beginning to understand not everything is necessarily intended for them personally. Plenty…
Berric’s flaming sword might be a little more useful....
Also over his unbridled excitement during Machu Picchu’s match.
YAAASSSSSS I need more Machu Picchu, Sheila, and Britannica in my life. And Bash. And everyone else. I loved GLOW.
the Iron Bank guy would not commit their support of Cersei’s war until their repayment made it to the Iron Bank, which as we know from the epic end scene, it did NOT.
Came here for Gendry.
Because cameras in your own home are legal?
My 2-month-old baby had his first vaccinations today! In addition to all the other stuff, they’re doing a meningitis vaccine now as well. I’m so happy we live in a time when these shots are standard.
And once again the bitterness over this show begins to rise in the back of my throat...
I so totally disagree with you it pains me physically. Stan is one of the key elements that separates Marvel from DC. The cameos are genuinely unique to Marvel and can’t be duplicated at all. It’s a nice bit of special and something to look for in nearly all of their films.
I don’t sensimilla culpa coming from any of the Cavs anytime soon.
Yeah, open and shut carb.
This one is different because: WOMAN director, and WOMAN lead, so it fits their SJW-heavy-agenda.
Most essential Star Wars image of the day:
I’m just here for the burns in the comments :)
Red Dawn, Point Break and now this. And I keep hearing rumors about a remake of Road House.
Hot Taek: The original Dirty Dancing was garbage too.