I smoked for 22 years. I tried to quit more times than I remember. At least 20 serious quit attempts. I bought a vape 5 years ago and I have had zero cigarettes. Zero. I used to use it all the time and I took it everywhere I went and I guess it was annoying. I don’t care if I bothered you. It changed my life. I still…
Nope. The world lost its collective shit when the Note 7 blew up, even though there were FAR fewer cases of explosions, injuries, and property damage than are associated with vaping. People lose their minds on me when they see me using a Note 7 because of a chance of explosion akin to winning the lottery while being…
I did the vape thing for a while until I started reading about popcorn lung. That scared me sufficiently to give it up and go back to cigarettes. I’m such a fucking idiot.
Last year I was visiting my parents for Thanksgiving I think, and my younger cousing (14yo) asked me to bring my MTG cards to play some matches with him. I took 3 of my old decks with me, one of them being a legacy UW control deck. He saw some of my cards, and asked if we could trade. He didn’t really have a concept…
The first game was derided for lack of content so they add a campaign to this game and people still complain? Man they can’t win.
Bioware should also be whipped and flogged for thinking that it was acceptable throughout the entire development process. Literally anyone who played the Prologue should have found the way they animated the faces and the dead-eyes to be unacceptable.
Now I can finally stop harassing that one female employee at EA, shave my neck beard and enjoy something for once.
Bota is my go-to wine of choice. I love the stuff.
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
It could also be that you’re one of those types who likes to drive right at the speed limit in the passing lane. If you are, you’re just as much a part of the problem.
As a busty girl I am SO OVER women and gay dudes grabbing my tits. Your lack or either a dick or desire to fuck me does not make it OK to touch my breasts. And I seem like a bitch when I say so. I hate everyone.
It’s not just game devs, all devs deal with this struggle. For example, if an application you engineer is exploited, you’re accused of being lazy or incompetent, or both when the reality is almost always that management specifically rejected the sprints you requested for vulnerability / static code analysis, code…
I like to dream of a bright day in the future. A day on which gamers will stop pretending they know anything about actual game design, and be able to just dislike a game without feeling the need to ramble on about how terrible it was made and how everyone that worked on it is dumb and should die in a fire and hey look…
It sucked. But there are not only countless succesful male comedians out there doing similar caliber stuff but many of them have been vocally anti-trump, pro-gun legislation, etc. Those dudes don’t get this.
I really, really wanted to like her special but I gave up after 10 minutes or so. It was exclusively ‘ooh a woman talking about sex *how unladylike*’. I know she is capable of social commentary - her show is full of it - but 10 minutes in, she hadn’t made any interesting points so I gave up. It was really…
I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I’m 100% on her side and 100% opposed to the alt-right. On the other hand, her special was not good. I’m a fan of her show, and I liked her movie a lot, and I liked her previous special, but this one sucked, frankly.
P.S.: Be hot (if a girl)
Don’t forget about the part in the article where she stayed over some bro’s house overnight and he got scared to death. But all good, because she apologized!