PotbellyJoe and 42 others

Generally for other EV owners? Source? Everyone is different and has different situations. My EV rates are in line with my ICE rates. But then, I’ve been with the same agency for about 40 years. We’re a very well known quantity. Joe Blow walking through the door looking to insure a performance EV, I can see that

I used my Z-plan to get a new Mach-E for around these used money and even the eAWD Ext Battery non-GT models are entertaining enough to drive when you want to.

You could make this list and just have the M5 as the top 8 places for the different generations. It really is the template for the entire concept of a sports sedan.

I was considering the new Frontier. I am no longer considering the new Frontier.

The E39 540i would be second on the list. Then the other M cars come into play, starting with the E34, E30, and the others.

1000% correct. It’s the dictionary definition of the very idea, as far as I’m concerned.

There’s no other answer. Shortest slideshow in Jalopnik history. 

Came here to say, this is likely coming from the insurance policy. We ran a Hole-In-One lease giveaway at a dealer I worked for decades ago and the fine print made it nearly impossible to claim as the rules were water-tight and most likely have a violation the group could find to not pay out.

I will probably get some flak here, but it most likely was an insurance-based denial. Any of these contests that you see to win prizes (hole in one, kick a fg, make free throws, etc.), the sponsor company will get insurance for them. And it is really up to the insurance company to pay out the prize if it is won.

Based on the responses I’m seeing to this situation, the “Don’t Tread on Me” crowd sure seems to love when others get treaded on.

Yep Hill is 100% guilty of not “respecting the cops authority”.

Crumple zones?!

That’s a bit catty, but made me chuckle.

Also, I’m commenting just so I could say I own a Porsche 911, and the forward visibility is excellent.

did you comment just so you could say you own a Tesla

Lowest Bidders at work!

Brightly painted, loud cars in general, but my specific experience was my 1994 Ford Lightning in red.

This has a 11-12 cu ft trunk. That’s tiny. I wanted to like these so much, but 228-hp and a 12 cu-ft trunk were not enough to be a daily that costs $35k.

Volvo famously said that when they go FSD in their vehicles it will be when they have a system that they are confident enough to take on the liability. But that’s Volvo being Volvo saying that is the level of confidence that needs to be in place before launching FSD.

Literally as it allows you to use it, the systems says “BE PREPARED TO TAKE CONTROL.” Sure, it’s a CYA, but it’s a legit warning.

It definitely should be investigated if Blue Cruise is failing in some scenarios at a worryingly high rate. Given 2 similar accidents with stationary vehicles at night, that seems to be the case. However, that lawyer is way, way over his skis claiming that this is the vehicles fault. Ford is not Tesla. AFAIK they’ve