Nah, people of all races and walks of life listen to loud music. I’m saying only the minorities will actually get ticketed for it. The white guy with the punisher skull sticker listening to Garth Brooks loudly in his pickup truck is never going to be pulled over.
I think that if someone were coming in for his second successive unambiguously intentional attempt to run you down, you’d be morally justified in a point of aim a lot higher and more central than the tires.
Fuck Texas. Fuck cops. Fuck that Jeep guy. Charges should be more serious than a misdemeanor. He could have killed the cyclist. No, you don’t fucking joke around like that.
That is super awesome, I would definitely be proud of that one.
Over the series of a number of road trips it always bothered me leaving the toll booth at the East Gate of Indiana Toll Road that the speed limit dropped to 45 mph and there was no sign on the opposite side to tell you what the speed limit is, so technically (and according to the ISP who ticketed my grandmother for…
You can do all these things without a car.
Pretty sure you just outed yourself as someone that has never ridden a bike with clips or clipless pedals.
I’ve been riding and racing for 20 years and have seen experienced cyclists who ride over 10,000 miles a year fall over in that same manner. I think it is great that a man in his 70's is out there getting some exercise instead of sucking down Diet Cokes and lying about his weight while trying to end democracy.
Volvo indeed. None safer. Legendary seats. Plenty quick. Best AWD in the business these days.
Like 1% of people need more than 230 miles in a single go and that is probably really generous.
Jacques Villeneuve winning the 1995 Indy 500 after being handed a 2-lap penalty has to count for something.
Given that we don’t have a fascist system of government, and given that opposition to the government is absolutely no the same as being anti-fascist, these guys aren’t anti-fascist. Rather, they’re big fans of the last guy, who made no secret of his own fascist inspiration.
well they are a group of fascists, so anyone who opposes them is antifa by definition
You know what would put a stop to shit like this? Prison time for fraud for the owner and general manager.
Hey, how you doing. I ride my bike for exercise and commuting and my kids would like me to come home for dinner.
“It took some wild mental gymnastics — including just making shit up — for the police could find a way to blame a kid killed by such a driver, but they got there.”
the law certainly does little to back up bike riders
If you want to kill someone, hit them with your car.