PotbellyJoe and 42 others

The speed at which Porsche’s finances turned around in the 99-04 period was astonishing. Yes, the Cayenne was a hit, but also the Boxster brought some margin with it as well. I have no doubt a sweetheart, “Never talk of this and I will refresh your factories and give you carte blanche to design whatever you want with

You could make the same statements about Lexus and Acura too.


Literally from NYC annually as part of their vision zero campaign. Been tracking it for years because of my work in transportation advocacy in NJ. Feel free to educate yourself.

I’ve seen this before.

No. Statistically, adding pedestrians to intersections causes higher volume and likelihood of a crash, and slows down traffic. Jaywalking actually is the better method. Pedestrians get priority in zones designated like crosswalks, but letting them just cross the road when it’s safe to do so is actually pretty ideal.

Picture because Nibbles. 

I would love to see Acura play in the off-road and towing mid-to-large SUV space again. I know this was an Isuzu underneath it all, but who’s to say they couldn’t partner with someone outside of the US to federalize something worth our time? Or just get a Honda/Acura option for something like this.

Do it.

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.

‘The poor’ you speak of in this case are still caught drunk driving in a time of friends and cell phones. There’s poor people in Europe, too, but they have much stricter laws for license access and drunk driving. Our issue is infrastructure, not that we need to let people drive distracted or drunk because taking away

We haven’t solved (or we’re unwilling to solve) drunk driving. Phones are just the new form.

Alice’s Restaurant vibes.

You can get an Express with a 404-hp V8, so there’s that. Then it’s just making it be able to handle a few more twisties than its wallowing form can currently handle.

What are your feelings for Dale Earnhardt?

Now playing

It’s just like metric, once you get the drift... Talk backwards.

Chevy used to sell KC Hilites with covers on them saying they are to remain covered for on-road.

There’s so many apps for things like this, including https://www.abetterrouteplanner.com that will help you map directions, including charging options along the way.

I’m a Mach-E owner for my 3 days a week 45-mile round trip commute and some dad-taxi on the weekends.

  • Cabin filter change: $360