PotbellyJoe and 42 others

Gawker getting Herbed.

Except that you could technically OPRA information on a car’s location if it pinged on plate readers because it is public information in public locations. 

It would be even cheaper if there wasn’t the $0.23/gallon tax increase from a few years ago. Not complaining, we needed to show as a state that we could raise cash, but it was a mess of justifications.

I love hearing people around the country complain about the fact that I don’t pump my own gas and how stupid I am to not want to change that.

As nomadic as we make the world look, I feel like it would be more likely to shrink for the individual/commune. Food would source locally as would basic needs, you can’t go 50 miles to get water, you would move toward the source and shrink your footprint. Considering there are tires that last thousands upon thousands

The lack of bikes in post-apocalyptic scripts has always disturbed me. Complex problems require simple solutions.

The issue here is the quality of the rack. There’s kayak racks that aren’t cheap, but make loading and unloading significantly easier. That and with two kayaks, I presume someone else is helping, so just get light kayaks. Why take on a new form of depreciation on $40k when an $800 change in roof rack will fix it.

Totally did, but I’m insane. Next you’ll tell me I forgot about the Chevy Trailblazer The North Face Edition.

All words assembled as a term are semantics, if we want to get pedantic.

I rode bikes with my family (partner and 3 kids 15 y/o and younger) to fireworks last night. While we were returning home (4 miles through neighborhoods) a driver went around a portion of our group and turned right nearly clipping my 15 and 9 year-old. Mind you were all had a ridiculous amount of lights on and were

Flying through Atlanta in June 2003 to go to my brother’s wedding. Evening flight from Philly delayed 3 hours for weather in ATL. The crew is informed of a window of opportunity so we head to the tarmac only to have the delay last for an additional 90 minutes which times the crew out. Return to gate, get new crew,

What are the odds they were caught because the company was being monitored for something completely different and they caught them doing this? I’d figure pretty good. I remember a story of a towing company getting caught distributing CDS after the police/authorities started watching them simply because they were too

I love the ‘TERF is a slur’ folks considering they created the term for themselves.

Point 2: Don’t tell the Catholics that.

Among the wealthy and powerful whom I have rubbed elbows, ‘pissing contest’ is probably putting it lightly, interested or not. When the billionaire standing on your deck in wrinkled khakis tells you about the pictures she was able to take while on a research tour of the Galapagos, it’s passion, when potential for

For those of us with 0 knowledge on this type of thing, is there a sonar beacon an underwater craft like this can emit to alert others to its presence? I assume so, but haven’t seen it in any of the articles about this incident.

Cycling is absolutely a viable form of transportation. Especially in a crowded flat town like Kalamazoo.

So... I grew up in Kalamazoo. My mother was a professor at WMU and my dad worked for Upjohn. My bike was my everything and there are a decent amount of riders in this portion of town.

Die mad, alone.

They gave my FiL $29400 for his 2018 GMC Canyon Ext Cab 4x4.