The trailer on my bike would argue against all of this, except the moving multiple family members, we use extra bikes for that.
Robert Moses has caused more deaths than most genocides, and it was largely aimed at marginalized communities.
How in an age where tattoos are mainstream do we not have scenes available for our pickup trucks anymore? Respect all body art.
I’d love to hear from a drunk Sully and his buddy Bobby about this. Anyone have a video from WCVB?
I work as a consultant in strategy and engagement for major corporations.
I think the key to understand here is this hybrid is really making up for the lack of power in the base model, not just targeting MPGs. The standard engine is woeful and noisy in this application. This brings torque to it so it will be able to hit highway speed on the on-ramp (or for those of us on the Merritt…
Better Jalop, get the Ford Skyranger
The NMCC is the gutsiest vehicle ever produced and we need to be okay with that and applaud the effort by Nissan.
Sure, but for the ‘simplify’ bit, eliminate is too big of a push ATM.
Ferrari still does this. If you don’t play along they won’t let you test their cars.
Regen brakes still have friction, they just don’t apply it until they have to. that’s why some hybrids can go 100k miles on a set of pads.
Whelp, they can’t all be winners. See you in 2 years on the refresh.
Reminder of Rule 34, car edition.
Second Gen Dodge Dakota. Not only were they terrible fabric materials, they weren’t comfortable from the start and got worse as they wore in. Eventually the padding went completely flat and you could feel the actual structure of the seat under your ass through the dead padding.