
Africa was bad, but remember, in Australia, they had to trade away their entire camp to Jeff just to get some rice so they wouldn't die.

If you want to check out some old-school Survivor, back when the show was willing to actually let the contestants come dangerously close to starving to death, I'd recommend Australia.

The Nicaragua season is also unwatchable.

I still think that if LJ can immunity-challenge his way into the final three, he's our winner.

I bet she was, I bet she was, say no more!

Justified has taught me that Harlan County is a 10-minute drive from Lexington.

Is that the guy who was terrible in Pacific Rim? He got another job somehow?

The A.V. Club

I love the intro to Luck. The song and images combine to lead you gently into this sleazy world.

Just eat ice cream like a normal person.

My gaming group all use iPads or laptops for their character sheets. Strangely enough, the DM is the only one who doesn't.

The picture is hilarious, but the #BLINDSIDE pushes it over into true art.

Yes, it IS possible to write a believable, strong, non-annoying teenage character (I'm looking in your direction, Homeland).

Never mind, I'm just grumpy.

Oh, I know they are real, my ex dragged me to a couple of them. Never again.

I always hate scenes in shows and movies that take place in dance clubs.

I always thought Monica's relentless nagging and criticism made her the worst Friend.

Stephen Graham reminds me of a young Bob Hoskins, and he is currently killing it as Capone on Boardwalk Empire (when the writers remember to include his character in the storyline, which isn't that often).

I think that episode might be the last Simpsons that I watched and enjoyed from beginning to end.

All MMORPGS released before World of Warcraft. They were pretty much "make a character, even though you don't know what any of these numbers are or what these abilities do, now go kill things". Alrighty then!