
When the A.V. Club runs my R.I.P. story someday, I hope Burl is the first one to post in the comments.

Well, it did give us Quatro de Cinco. Since my birthday is on May 4th, this is how I will reference it for the duration of my life. So, that's kind of a win.

In retrospect, Koogler may be my favorite thing about the neo-Dan Harmon season.

I follow Mike, Kevin, and Bill, and they are some of the most consistently hilarious tweeters in my feed (Bill especially).

I haven't seen Now You See Me, but that was the reaction I had to Pacific Rim. Every actor in that movie should have their SAG cards taken away from them.

I thought A Feast For Crows had some of Martin's best writing in it.

I never limit myself to just one day for that.

You can't take credit for every boner in the world. Lord knows I've tried.

Bert didn't want Dawn at the front desk because people "could see her from the elevator".

Not in L.A., they don't. He was recently shuffled off from his prime spot on KFI, the biggest non-Spanish talk station on the West Coast, to KWhogivesashit AM.

This comment, along with the hilarious episode, was a straight-up A.

I think it was just that Peggy's sister has someone who cares about her enough to not leave her alone, something Peggy used to have with Abe.

Those scenes in California with Anna were the happiest that we ever saw Don/Dick. Now even that refuge has been taken away from him.

The final shot was the same as the opening shot with Freddy, both were a pull back from a man's face.

Don't forget they hauled out Ted McGinley last season from wherever he's been hibernating.

It can get chilly in L.A. in January, especially at night. It's a good idea to have a sweater or light jacket handy. And around the neck, well, just makes you look cool.

Lou is the anti-Draper, and after dealing with Don's bullshit for so many years, that is what the partners were looking for in that moment.

I loved Project Greenlight. The movies they produced were all shit, but the behind the scenes stuff could get pretty intense, especially with that gargoyle Moore creeping around.

Has Fox News done their explosive expose about how President Obama breathes air? And is therefore part of the liberal elite's "carbon dioxide agenda"?

He's well-liked, speaks only when he has something to say, has a terrific bullshit detector, and doesn't seem to have pissed anyone off yet.