
A rapical?

I like Craig.

My biggest laugh was Larry's "WHAAH! It's a monster!"

How long do those temporary tattoos last?

It was Fellowes. The "smoking gun" that he came up with to defeat Edna's scheme (the book that Mrs. Hughes found) was the stretchiest of stretches.

The whole Edna thing made no sense. If her plan was to get pregnant to trap Branson into a marriage, why would she have a book on how not to get pregnant?

I don't think Edith is a virgin. Didn't she boink the farmer in season one?

Can't they just leave him dead? His character was just an amalgam of all the bullshit "hoo-wah" military stereotypes that Cameron faps to, can't I just have a few movies about the blue cat people?

I hope there's a scene near the end of the next (and final) season where Tim or Rachel turns to the other and says, "Why were we in this show, again?"

It looks like Jason Alexander has given up on that hairpiece he's been trying to pass off for the past few years.

People on the Internet just like to hate things. It's why Shia LeBeouf was invented.

Upstream Color actually made a lot of sense to me on a second viewing (more than Primer did the second time).

You're down on Moonrise Kingdom? Easily one of my favorite films of the 10s.

Think Tory and Kari ever did it?

I understand that, as a teevee show, their main priority is to make something that is entertaining and holds viewers. But I also miss when they used to, you know, bust myths.

I think "disappointed" is too strong a word to describe my reaction to HER. I am still trying to process the film, but my initial viewing left me a bit cold.

Seeing Bob Benson in those shorts and Joan in a swimsuit in the same scene would have melted down the Internet.

Hopefully the course taught you to make sure and write a superhero comic book script, since those are the only kind of freakin' movies they make anymore.

Agreed, only because Miller's Crossing is one of the greatest films ever made.

You didn't.