
Luckily, I haven't seen ANY of these films.

I wouldn't be too worried, I bet Mandy Patinkin could regrow that beard in an afternoon.

Because of lurrrrrvve.

Survivor still has some juice in it, but the Race is wheezing towards the finish line. Those first six or seven races were genuinely amazing, back when it was an actual race. Now the whole thing has become more streamlined, but a highly predictable bore.

Agreed. As soon as Tyson squeezed out that first tear, I thought, "This is the producers trying to elicit sympathy for Tyson, essentially telling us that he takes home the million."

I'm typically weary of the uber-ironic Adult Swim sensibility, but I really enjoyed Rick and Morty.

I've always loved maps. When I was a kid I used to draw the 48 contiguous states from memory, just for fun. I could spend hours on Google Maps just looking at stuff.

Hopefully we get a Ray Wilson song in season 2 to complete the Genesis lead singer trifecta.

The AV Club gave "Fallout" a LOWER grade than that borderline dumb episode of Homeland? That's unpossible!

"The characters lecture others—and, by extension, the audience—about the true meaning of New Orleans or jazz, and that’s essentially the sum of the show’s conflict."


I've found the lack of "looking for the HII" scenes refreshing.

Yes, I remember Sophie giving a talking head where she basically said, "I'm just going along with all this praying crap because I don't want to make waves." And it worked.

Because of penises, right?