
I think it was Jon, and I think he might be gay now.

I am sooooo glad my time as a New Kids fan was pre-internet/smart phone.

What products get returned the most?

God, he sounds like my Grandma. I'm BUSY damn it!!

I thought the shirt read 'Delta Feta', and I got super excited for a moment. Seriously though, cheese heritage is something that needs to be celebrated more often.

Is there a strong history of breast/ovarian cancer in your family?

Speaking of common names: A friend was googling the website a couple had set up for their wedding, only to find numerous other couples with their exact same names. Which took our whole group into a google spiral, spying on the wedding pictures and plans of imposters around the world who chose to get married with our

Oh Christina Hendricks, I love you and your gorgeous bod, but DAMN your fashion choices are consistently the worst!

First off, how are companies being forced to do anything they don't want to do?

Could I love Gloria Steinem more? No, I could not.

Oh my god, my FAVOURITE thing is when a right wing relative posts something unbelievably stupid. If you're going to say something stupid, I'm going to make you justify it, explain your thought process, or just get you really angry. YAY!

I dunno, 'under' looks tidier overall, but who wants to waste time searching desperately for the end of the roll?

I'll be honest with you- I'd be more upset about the lyrics if I had any clue what they actually meant. 'True patriot love in all thy sons (son's?) command' -this means just as much to me as the french sounding noises I make in the other verses.

I'm trying to figure out how I can relate this gif to every comment I make from here on in.

But she'll always have her dad's terrible tattoo to remind her of her awkward phase.

This panel make-up is part of what is wrong with modern journalism. Some producer was thinking, 'for my panel on the N word, I need a balanced approach, so I definitely need to include a white dude to make it legitimate.' No.

So he looks like he stepped off of a Bravo show, he was run out of office for decorating too ostentatiously, he quoted Taylor Swift to defend himself...and we're still not sure if he's gay??

The reason Kate is not the Princess of Wales is because she is not married to the Prince of Wales. The reason Camilla is not the Princess of Wales is because the entire nation would have a fit.

For anyone looking for great examples of alternatives to the eurocentric princess stories, good news! Someone has already done an amazing job compiling them: http://www.rejectedprincesses.com/