I hope they’re able to find more work. They’re both so fantastic. And beautiful. God are they beautiful.
I hope they’re able to find more work. They’re both so fantastic. And beautiful. God are they beautiful.
“She’s being more careful this year. She’s learning.”
I’m relieved to see a bunch of posts like yours here. Dragging a person who’s waking up for not having been woke from the beginning, or not waking up according to a very narrow protocol, is the definition of shooting your movement in the foot.
Intersectional Feminist Writer: Ugh, I can’t even with these people who won’t wake up and see the sexism all around them!
yeah it’s extremely fucking, whats the word, petty?
I really don’t know how I feel about these sort of posts. They appear too often to ignore. A twenty-something celebrity is trying to vocalize that they’ve been on the receiving end of sexism. Ok.
While the effort is appreciated, the process itself should perhaps remain behind closed doors.
Trudeau is not my favourite person in the world, but my high school drama teacher was one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met and I would totally vote for him if he was running for anything. I don’t get the drama teacher shaming.
Very right of centre? I’m sorry, but get real. Harper was right of centre, and I wouldn’t even say ‘very’ (very in Canada would be Alberta’s Wildrose party or the also-ran Christian Heritage Party).
It’s really lovely how you crap on him being a drama teacher. Let’s dismiss teachers! Especially the arts!
You know so little that I’m embarrassed for you.
Trudeau: Did he try that handshake bullshit on you?
Macron: Oh yeah, he totally did. Thanks for the tips.
What I wouldn’t give to see a Ronnie/Sammi ticket. lol
Normally I’d have something pithy to say about Amber/Elon, but after everything she endured with Johnny Depp, I just hope this relationship is good for her.
im actually really happy he said this, and not just because i was a hardcore 1d fan for several years
Is it bad I only know her as crazy eyes from HIMYM? I’m gonna go with yes 😳
I legit guffawed at the use of the word “full” vis-a-vis his photograph.