
I thought this was a night shade.

I continue to be the sole person on Team Gwynnie. It’s a lonely fucking team.

I don’t hate Rita Ora either.

Finally, a politician I can agree with.

I think her whole video is the biggest name-drop ever.

Yes. All. Day. Long.

Her sibling’s names pretty much seal it for me. And anyone who gives a shit about how old she actually is really has far too much time on their hands.

The plot thickens!

Well actually her real name is Fat Patricia.

Aubrey: What’s your name?

OMG I’m actually a 100 year old mermaid formerly known as “CC Chalice”

She’s actually a 40 year old man called Lorde. Ya Ya Ya, she is.

Please, please, please keep your distance from bison. My partner sucks it up and becomes That Annoying Wyomingite all the time and scolds people at the park, because there is just so much idiocy on display around these animals. They are not tamed, they are huge, and they can move very, very quickly (which nobody seems

Your mum sounds rad as hell. Please thank her for the work she and other women did to make things easier and fairer for my generation.

Well, she’s right about one thing, it’s 2015, we’ve bigger fish to fry! Btw that poster of her in the background of the top pic looks spectacular from what I can see. That woman has a love affair with every camera that ever captured her.

It’s just not true, though. Market forces have nothing to do with. Women focused films make a lot of money. Putting a woman in a movie increases the audience. There are way more male directed and starring films that flop, but men don’t get penalized the same way a woman does for flopping. It’s sexism, and it’s not

I do get a little annoyed with people who are obviously feminists and won’t call themselves feminists. When I have people in my personal life who do that I have the tendency to ask them very pointed questions and point out to them that everything they’re saying is... gasp... FEMINISM.
So now they will call themselves

Nothing positive. Women are a disposable commodity in Hollywood, and every actress has to deal with the fact there’s at least 30 hopefuls who want their big chance and would be willing to take her place. So if the actresses who could afford to refused to work, they’d simply be blacklisted and actresses who can’t

We’ve got to do our part too. Vote with your dollars people.