
That’s some apologetic BS seriously Kara. If she brings that up in a reply, clearly it’s about shaming him, and she knows exactly how people will take her tweet.

It’s the childhood memories which make them so pretty

why? what she did was not cool, but she did not do it out of the blue (as he acted) but as a reaction to his BS. It’s not correct what she did, but I can understand her hurt and subsequent angry and helpless reaction

Loads of female athletes doing the extremest sports - and yet even on this page people are doubting that there women fit enough? And this “it will lower the standards” BS, just the same thing which was said before women were allowed to universities etc. Diversity strengthens the standards, combat is not only about

haha same problem here..men are delicate little flowers. if you dont come accross super super approachable they get scared

it’s a term used in german language (maybe in english too?) - it means that you are less critical towards people when they are foreigner. I have experienced that among so called left winged/left alternative people a lot “oh no, he/she is just from another culture - they just do it like that there” - like even if a guy

yes they are total bigots which would cut our rights in no time if they had more power. Totally agree with you. Still it’s true that some cultures are way more patriarchal than others. That’s the point - not denying reality while still being decidedly anti-racist. They use that against people, because they want

I tell you I come from the middle east, and when someone tells me that our culture is not more macho blabla I feel SO disrespected, because I feel treated like a small child that can’t take criticism. Taking my culture seriously means judging it according to the same standards everyone else is judged. My mom, my

It IS an immigration issue. When I get hit on in a really disrespectful way here in western europe, it is almost always from men from the middle east or nothern africa. Their culture IS more patriarchal - denying that is just positive racism. I am sorry, I grew up in a middle eastern family, I know the culture at

ok guys don’t you think that the personality of someone is visible to a large extent in their face? I don’t mean necessarily the facial features, but the mimicry..like the way this Tyga dude always tries to look cool and whatever seems SO douchey to me. So punchable

yeah right..like I was a late bloomer too and still was hit on by much older men from age 12 on, so I can’t imagine how effing awful it must be for girls who look like adults much earlier..omg how don’t they end up hating all men, I don’t know..

so what? I have had friends who looked like adults when they were 12, just because they were tall and not “flat” - what does that imply or how does that justify anything or why is it strange or their fault..?

hahahahaha ^^

hahaha thanks for the laugh ^^

Actually I used to live with my best friends between age 16-22. We were 8 people in one house, and at the end of that time, everyone had slept with everyone, almost no matter which gender, and also with everyones best friends and friends of friends (except for me, true story). It was hell, I wish I grew up with less

wait they say that literally?

Idk but what I do know is that I had an psychopathic ex and the way Deen explains himself - coming up with allegations towards her and the way he does it - remember me a lot of my ex..a lot-lot

I love random super cheesy usernames :) I mean the “666” is just a bit of a cliché, and potatoe is funny too (it’s correct, though the regular word would be potato obviously). So potatoe666 is meant to be trash-nonsense-fun-cliché :) my username for classwork used to be cutecat666, but obviously lots of people got it

yes, but not of “human nature”. I am doing research in neuroscience, and I can tell you all this “testosterone is to blame” is complete BS. male to female rape is more common, but I am pretty sure that if women would have more power than men, they wouldn’t be any better. but, there are and always will be exceptions.

I am really sorry for what you went through. But what bothers me about posts like you, is that they assume that only men are inherently violent. I am very sure, that women have such urges too, often however we learn to direct this aggressions towards ourselves. Anyways, I am a woman, and I have this darkness in myself