replace some with many and I am all with you
replace some with many and I am all with you
For me it’s not even about the penis, but about being confused about the fact that I might have not know such an important thing about the other person..that might make me feel like I never fully knew the person I thought I knew
Ok she is not completely honest - does she have to be honest to us? Dont think so. Also, is she a bad person for having problems with the transistion? I am sure if I would experience that after decades of relationship, I would need quite some time to adapt. Of course it is somehow egoistical, but in that context it’s…
Hey I effing hate rape culture and our entire sexist culture...but dont you think they just want evoke a sense of adventure? As in “Dont be afraid of taking risks, of your fear, but just do whatever you feel like”?
Totally agree. It’s like knowing how to write - and if it’s not true entirely yet I think it will be latest in a couple of decades. And really, the basics of coding, for loops, while loops, structures etc. are not difficult to learn - not for anyone
Because they are not? Please...every iranian women would laugh at your face for your wannabe tolerance
yes its actually sad this is the top recommended post because it’s just repeating the stereotypes. Do you have me the paper you are talking about?
I found a new way to lose weight - daily reading of verdicts regarding sexual abuse ..hello vomit :)
Please show me one good (!) study where it is shown that memory usage inherently differs for men and women. And btw, there are tons of studies showing that gender stereotyping (aka for instance stereotype threat) affects very well the usage of memory, and the usage of different parts of memory differently according to…
haha..far fetched..
I am a neuroscientist, and I am sorry you have so many recommendations for repeating the same old stereotypes by referring to “scientific research”. There is NO neuroscientific evidence that if women would be given the same circumstances as men, they could not excel as much - even on the group level. Fact is that if…
A page who (says it) promotos and defends womens choices = (purportedly) feminist. People should stop saying crap implying you have to fulfill a list of criteria to be feminist, ok?
Almost forgot that Jezebel is a feminist site keen on protecting women’s privacy and choices. Oh, wait.
No. But re: Do you ever use your brain? I hope so
It’s actually a very patriarchal thing: When a woman “makes” it, she is treated as some sort of special thing - and this reinforces the view that, hey women! you can make it too, the world is all yours, and if you don’t make it, well then guess you are not good enough - just look at Streep - she has made it, so…
Hey I recently asked my friends the same and several of them recommended the comic book “Economix”
“bitchy”? wth are you talking about. I think you might be on the wrong website.
um no..under the latest article all the jezzies were writing how hot he is blabla
I know yall like Zayn but to me he comes accross as a total douche and just makes me want to punch him in his face