
I dont know how to put my words to not come across as judgemental..ok, maybe since I have an opinion I am judgmental anyway, but then I hope I dont come across too disrespectful. Sometimes it seems to me that our society is getting more and more dehumanized, and as an effect, so become our relationships. I mean I was

yeah..I know you are right..like my ratio totally agrees..but the emotions sometimes...though yes, I dont think the "an eye for an eye" mentality has brought mankind forward so far, so yes.

I really have a hard time to not, at least on an emotional basis, think death penalty

For me it really drives home this is a psychopath who did it

It's thinner, and it comes in gold now because the downfall of great nations is often gilded in golden luxuries.

He did not, but I hold that his argumentation would imply that (that human nature is to cheat). Yes, everyone should decide for their own, but I dont believe in an immutable "human nature", thats what I was saying

I find myself at odds with the notion of "natural human condition". What is that supposed to mean? Its about priorities. I value loyality way more than having sex with different people and so wouldnt ever cheat. Of course if you believe that its human nature to cheat, you have given yourself already a first

But waaait. I actually find it very hot when I guy NATURALLY likes to do the homework, since its equaliarian and that attracts me. That is however entirely different to the case where a guy would do this stuff to get sex - that would be macho and a total turn off. Also, when I get hot and want to have sex with him

as if I dont know that. Did I make a comparison anywhere? I just expressed how I feel. I would loveto be stronger but Im not but being open about my weaknesses is one step forward for me and a way to cope with the current situation.

please stfu. Im going through the hardest time withone family member having cancer and am just being honest about my fears and weaknesses

sure women are better in relationships overall?

yep same problem here. My parents have set the bar WAY too high.

Speaking as a neuroscientist (dont take it personal): thats complete BS. Also, hormonal levels do change as a RESULT of your life style, and testosterone has been shown in many studies to make more socially adapated and is not related to most things it is said to be related (higher sexuality, cheating, rapinge etc.)

He must have a brother, right?

its hard though being confronted with a loved one who has cancer. Its really hard, its just hearbreaking to see that the person you care about so much suffers and you cant do anything about it. So, from this perspective I understand it that its sometimes difficult to be close to the person. I dont understand divorcing

Having experienced that shit firsthand, Im so glad for your comment. Is this supposed to be a feminist site? Or are we only feminist for certain women? Some remarks are plain hurtfull to read

We'll see how long this spark of common sense lasts for Karrueche.

yes probably makes him feel even more entitled.

He is kinda cute though

Animals dressed in other animals skin. Sorry I just find it meh