
people claiming that its just "evolutionary" for men to stare at this sort of women annoy the shit out of me. As if its not a display of power asymmetry when attractivity in men is hugely defined over success, intelligence and strength, and the attractivity in women is defined over our looks. Furthermore, its not only

thx for the brain food. Ill read and think about it

you mean they would enjoy the degradation of other women? could be, even if subconsciously. it has been always the case that the exploited internalize the views of their exploiters...

I dont think thats their argument. I totally agree with you that Jezebels standards change with respect to the person in question (see last posts on privacy breach of Igloo Australia), but the "its empowerment when its ugly women"..um that sounds decidedly like anti-feminist bla. To the contrary Girls is quite hated

wtf are you talking about? If your point is that objectification is empowerment when women are attractive, thats BS. If you are saying that feminists are just jealous and only accept "ugly" womens nakedness, then please fuck off

you know, I dont set my standards so high when it comes to Jez and the topic of objectification. I'm happy with an indication that the constant sexualization of women might have something with objectification and power asymmetry, maybe, possibly.

wow a Jezebel article actually criticising objectification instead of defending it as "empowerment"?

That's evolutionary psychologistic BS (as generally evolutionary psychology is nothing else than the endless iteration of sexist stereotypes with the word "evolution" thrown into it). Mens sperms quality also declines with age, still we deem older men attractive. Why? We have learned that power makes men sexy, but

thanks 1000% agree. "how dare she why is she not behaving like appropriate for her age". I.e. how we want an aging woman to behave. F.U.

I <3 her so much I want her to be my 2nd mom. Please?

if someone would take a pic of me reading in public transportation and post it without my consent Id be very happy with finding them and punching them in their face. Just sayin

here to point out southpark reference

I have sort of an androgyneous name and love it. Also tons of funny stories and stories revealing peoples biases.

thats actually fcking cool. I want my husband to be named Courtney. Thanks for making my standards even more unrealistic.

dude actually "Marie" used to be pretty common in France for men too

damn I read "Jeb Buch resigned" :*(

oh sorry. I understand you can't be criticized for sexism. After all I am a woman and dont know anything about the topic. In fact, maybe you can teach me about it? And of course, its never about gender, its not that the fact that this is done over and over with women way way more than with men counts or something

unfortunately, even if a woman is a royal, after all she is a woman and can be ridiculed because of how she looks

I dont get it. Like, yes patriarchy. Yes, men have more power. But how can it turn you into such an emotionless piece of shit? Then again, thinking about the Nazi government and other things in history, people - men and women - can apparently quite easily turn into pieces of shit. Rationally, I am against the death

yeah I know. I dont understand how people can do such things. I mean obviously the raping already, but then also group raping, plus she is just a fucking kid. I dont get it. How can such things happen again and again on this planet? whats wrong with us?