
thanks so much!

no, I'm not supporting it. I don't think bad behavior should have more bad behavior as a response. I wrote it out of personal hurt, but I admit I should not have, it was childish and unreflected.

I can't express how much I admire Sulkowicz for her strength

sadly yes and the over sexualization of women is getting even worse..

Don't worry, I don't mind constructive criticism. Yeah, I think if I am honest I am judgemental there. I think I am also very tolerant in real life, I generally like people, but I don't like the "women plays dumb/naive to please the guy/make him feel manly" trope. I just figured that guys I would find otherwise

That's such good advice, you seem so wise, wow! I think most of the guys I have liked have been good guys, but from time to time I had to find out that I have been wrong in my assessment of people. Sure fist shaking can be a bit useless in such situations...haha..I am just wondering if the way of thought which says

Aww..cheers to people/men like you

the level of education is pretty high, especially among the younger generation. You are also right about the culture. But inflation has gotten really bad, also I think the categorization of 1./2./3. world was not just due to economic factors ( I think western countries = 1. world, Soviet or Ex-Soviet = 2. world, and

I don't mind the "harshness" at all (you are not being harsh anyway :) - since I am also doing lots of soul searching, I'd be more than happy to understand the reasons, even if it's myself. I have been talking to my mom, a psychiatrist and friends, none of them have seen any apparent flaws from my side (I am not

well the entire concept is racist + outdated anyway

Sad and full of self pity (aka don't read before having had some alcohol). Also it's 1am my time, so I'll read answers (if any) when I wake up: I split ca. 2-3 months ago from my psycho/relationship and I feel very very very lonely. I can't wrap my head around the fact that so many men seem to prefer the "cute but not

"what men are, what women are"..does not sound very progressive. more like how women initiate boys/men into the one and only real manhood, presumably by some stereotypical madonna/whore figures (loving mom vs. tough ass bitch seductress). Also "unknowable women", the thousand times reiterated BS that women are oh so

Thanks helping us out of our misery and telling us what we have to care about and what not. Really, appreciated.

yes, please western person tell me that the problems of my family in iran are so much more important because I am really sure you can compare, and because I am sure that in the oh so poor third world countries we only care about surviving and such things as gender equality and representation do not matter for us nor

Now *I* feel old. Damn. That's not how it was supposed to play out

pretty sure no one I know knows him. or r u beeeen sarcastic?

Beginning 30. But I'm living in europe, so that's rather why :)

Coolest pres ever. If you don't want him anymore send him to europe. Thanks

2 mio

being from europe saves me from time to time..