I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE!
Houston deserved to lose for all of those dbags in the expensive seats aping Kimbrel’s windup on every pitch.
It’s his own fault. If he lived in the US, he wouldn’t have had health insurance so he couldn’t have had surgery. Problem solved.
By now, October 31 should be a day of martial law in Haddonfield. How many horny teenagers have to die before the sleepy, fictional Midwestern town bans trick-or-treating, outlaws William Shatner masks, and puts a small army on every leaf-covered street corner?
okay but if “analytics” supposedly “work,” how did the Yankees lose 62 games this season? Huh??
Dumb Things About That Ninth Inning, Ranked
Stanton would have whiffed at that pitch to.
Kimbrel this year has been a fucking agita bomb, last year he was painting and nasty, this year he’s a fucking sprinkler head and Sanchez missed snatching his soul by a quarter inch. I had to call an uncle in Newton in the ninth to make sure he was still alive.
I hear you, everything that comes out of Ron Darling’s mouth is counter - intuitive, he sounds exactly like Rudy Guiliani but miraculously dumber. If MLB was smart they’d have a Gulfstream with Eckersley’s name on it standing by so he could do every MLB playoff game.
I am amazed that nobody has ever hit for the cycle in a playoff game before.
What I hate most about the Yankees is that Michael Kay is only 57 years old.
Unfortunate that she was standing so close, but of course hindsight is 20.
Went to the golf course with two fully functioning eyes. Ended up with a hole in one.
Tom Brady just had that fan relocated to San Francisco.
(Maybe not the extreme of NBA/MLB, but there should be a middle ground)
Pete Carroll can’t resist a good inside job.
If I wanted to watch a big hunking turd barely float its way into a bowl, I’d rewatch the last season of Peyton Manning’s career.