
Yeah release dates are arbitrary anyway. If the game launched on September 6th and there was no early access, nobody would be saying “hey why didn’t this come out 5 days sooner?” The attitude of “I’m not getting to play it until 5 days after everyone else!!!” feels like it’s much more likely to just make you unhappy

 Games are being artificially delayed

Yeah I’ve had at least 3 sets of Joy Cons start drifting, and I don’t think I can remember a single other system where I had any drift at all. Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal, but this definitely seems more common on Switch than other systems.

I’ve definitely had drift in both

sex and sexual assault

Seems extremely plausible to me tha this is getting ready for an announcement of Switch 2 launching with a new Mario Kart (not necessarily in the next few months, but if not then early next year)

I think that would be a cool idea but would be a LOT less approachable than a 2D mario designer is, so I don’t think Nintendo would want to do that. I’m sure it’s still not easy to design a really good level in 2D, but laying down some paths to a goal with some jumps and obstacles in 2D is pretty basic and you can

And we can see how good their judgement was during the Wii U days. I choose to believe they learned from their worst selling console (or I suppose second worst, even the Wii U didn’t flop as hard as the Virtual Boy) and won’t just try to coast by on the success of the Switch like they did with the Wii U.


I’d give up the portability in a heartbeat if it meant I didn’t have to play Zelda in potato-mode.

The Switch has also now had the longest lifespan (by which I mean release of a system to the release of its successor) of any other Nintendo system other than the NES and original Gameboy, and next summer it’ll be more than the NES. It’s definitely on its way out soon and with the number of rumors I’ve seen from

That’s probably the implication, but it doesn’t really make sense for them to extrapolate to that conclusion. It’s certainly possible that they’ll wait until later in the year, but I think a reveal early in the year could mean they could come out of the gates swinging and announce some big games in their usual

metroid would be a great way to get the kinds of people who post on videogame website message boards, but not much else. it’s always been niche. now, that IS a great way to satiate those fans and say ‘hey serious gamers, we haven’t forgotten about you’.

Yeah the Switch was a phenomenal success and they merged their handheld and console departments for it. In no universe does it make sense for them to say “everyone loved this but let’s ditch the part of the market we’ve always dominated in and just make it TV only.”

The combined sales of every single Metroid Prime game, including rereleases and spinoffs, is about a third of Super Mario Odyssey’s sales. There’s excitement for Metroid Prime 4 but Metroid is not a system seller and is not a substitute for a Mario or Zelda.

I’d buy it but that doesn’t mean I’d prefer it that way

Yes. That’s not what I’m confused about. The linked article says Nintendo said (or implied) that no new console/model would be out before the end of the new fiscal year. It doesn’t say that there won’t be any news to share about a new console, it just says the console itself won’t be out by then. Now, this article is

Fans really want Metroid Prime 4, but Metroid isn’t really a big seller. It does well but it’s nowhere near in the ballpark of Mario or Zelda or Smash Bros. It’ll be a good game to add to a launch-year lineup but I don’t think it’ll move many systems.

I feel like backward compatibility is kind of a given, the Switch is the only Nintendo system in the past 20 years to not have backwards compatibility and it's really not hard to see why it didn't. Unless the Switch 2 is a wildly different form factor, I see no reason to expect otherwise.

I’m guessing it’ll be a brand new 3D Mario game, not Odyssey 2. If they really want to blow people away with a new system, they’re going to want a brand new concept, not just a sequel to a game from their previous system. Galaxy 2 came out just 2 years later on the same system, I think if they were going to do another