
Nintendo announced earlier this year that it would have no news to share about a Switch 2 or any other gaming hardeware refresh prior to the end of its fiscal year in March 2024

Oh man, I don’t think they can hold out until 2025. Unless they have some big, big surprises I don’t think the Switch will have enough to hold people over until 2025, and if they do have some big, big surprises, they should probably just be saved for the next console.

That last point is a big one since iirc they haven’t released 70USD games since?

I’m wondering when/if they’ll port the Wii U versions of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker though.

This really isn’t a surprise to me. TotK was built on things that didn’t manage to make it into the DLC of BotW, and it really seems like they stuffed as much as they could into TotK. They always “could” find more things to do, but I can see why they’d be creatively “over it.” Some of the ideas that made it into the

I dunno, I looked at a chart of Wii sales and it looked like it was trending similarly to the Switch. It sold ~25 million units in its best year, and ~15 million 2 years later (the year the Wii U was revealed) and even sold ~10 million the year the Wii U came out. The Switch isn’t dead but it’s certainly trending

Oh for sure, that’s why I think this is just one last push to get what they can before announcing the next console. I was just addressing the question of whether there are people who want one but don’t have one.

After seeing these bundles I agree with you, but it wasn’t a sure thing. They showed off the Switch, the Wii U, the Wii, and the Gamecube before the last holiday of the previous system’s lifetime. Heck, when they first showed off the Wii U, Skyward Sword hadn’t even come out yet.

Here’s a chart from their website up through March of this year:

I kind of thought we might be getting an announcement of the Switch 2 in place of the traditional September direct, but that was before they announced 3 new special edition switches and 1 new bundle in the space of a week. Feels like a big push for the last holiday of the switch’s lifetime, to get as much out of the

And like Fallout 4 and Skyrim, folks might choose to get Starfield’s main quest out of the way, then go on to do everything else. Others, however, might prefer to soak up all the sidequests and activities they possibly can, before ending with the main quest as a way to send off the journey.

It seems in this case they actually ignored him.

I think there were only 4 of them plus a port (or maybe more than one port?). But them being a sequel wouldn’t be a bad thing if they were more interesting. I enjoyed the first one but then they all just felt samey.

No no it’s definitely not AI, it’s totally normal for *checks image* trailers to be half embedded in the sidewalk. It also just kind of has that “looks fine in passing but when you focus on any detail it doesn’t look like anything” look that a lot of AI art has.

To be fair for a game of this size with this much anticipation there’s definitely going to be some review bloat. It's the new Bethesda games, people are going to be afraid to give it a low score. Fallout 4 is polarizing, its metacritic scores range from 84-88. Skyward sword is divisive, it's at a 93 on metacritic.

Hard to get a good read on this from these reviews. Not sure if I’d generally enjoy it or be bored out of my skull. I think I’ll have to give it a try for myself when it goes on a good sale.

I suspect Nintendo is using AI for the voice of Mario. Nintendo is all about saving money and delivering big profits.

This isn’t the first time they’ve done a very simple red Mario Switch, that just seems to be what they want to do with Mario for some reason. There was this one for Odyssey, which is even plainer:

I haven’t cared about a 2D Mario game since the original New Super Mario Bros but this looks genuinely fantastic. Have an open mind.

I love that they kind of made it an MMO? I’ll probably play offline because I don’t want to see other players all over the place but it seems like a feature a lot of people would enjoy. Just like the first trailer the dynamism and enemy variety are really blowing me away, and I’m so glad they’ve finally moved past the