
Yeah, I have a physics degree. Probably why some of my answers were long winded, I can do the math but if I had a math degree I probably would have better language to be more concise, haha

Thanks so much for doing these, I enjoyed them every Monday morning!

It’s not comparable to gamepads that have highly variable basic layouts (sticks high or low, dpad or buttons, back triggers and buttons all highly brand specific) and entirely different button location and assignments

Their capabilities aren’t standardized, either. Among the three major console companies, all of them have an X button and all of them put it in a different place, and aftermarket versions may have even more buttons than the OEM versions. I don’t want to mess with gamepads. They look either cramped or oversized.

I think it looks like a lot of fun too, I just worry that the staff ability will trivialize a lot and make solving puzzles too easy and unsatisfying. I’m not hugely bothered by this (I don’t play that many games for a challenge, especially Zelda games), I just hope they can give the player a lot of freedom to do stuff

The first ace you flip over could be the ace of spades, therefore making it impossible to get, but also you could get the king of spades before any ace, making it impossible to get. The odds end up being the same.

Ooooh, good insight for number 1. Now I feel stupid for not realizing that haha

1) Hmm, so if the king of spades and the ace of spades are still in the deck, they’re obviously equally likely, so what the question is really asking is what the odds are that they haven’t been drawn already. Easy for the aces, there’s a 3/4 chance that the first one isn’t spades so that’s just a 3/4 chance of the ace

I’m jealous of people who can have alcohol and sleep on flights. Alcohol just makes me warm and uncomfortable, and I’m uncomfortable to begin with on planes.

This feels counterintuitive but I think you’re right, it feels like the team that has advantage first will be more likely to win because they have advantage first, but the stronger their advantage in their home court the more of a disadvantage they have later on. Your example of 99%-1% made it click for me.

The Deku Tree as a setting/lego set isn’t that exciting to me but I have to admit it’s very well done and very cool that it has both the OoT and TotK versions (and various cute details for both)

It’s funny to call out a problem for not being carefully worded after you didn’t carefully read it. You’re only labeling one die, not both. One of them is already a normal die.

For the first one, there are 36 possible combination of rolls. To have an even chance of rolling all numbers, that means a 1/12=3/36 chance in rolling a 12. The only way to get a 12 is to get 2 6s. One of the dice only has 1 6, so to get 3 possible combos the other die needs to have 3 6s. Likewise, the only way to get

I think I might have had that Koosh Ball, that’s definitely familiar, and I know for sure that I had that watch.

I didn’t look it up but when I got it, it seemed familiar, so I may have seen it before, I’m not sure

Oh I like that solution to the clock hands puzzle, very elegant. When I got 143 it reminded me of the fact that there are 11 times when the hands overlap on a normal clock (12x12-1 and 12-1), nice to see this clearly demonstrate why that happens. If the minute hand moving 12x faster than the hour hand means those

When you say “this” are you talking about the friend requests or the video/screenshot posting? For the former I don’t have any idea, I didn’t use it, but for the latter you didn’t really need to dig into anything at all, if you’re looking in your screenshot/video album, “post” is just one of the options.

“Hardly used”

This means that previous rumors that the Switch 2 announcement won’t happen until 2025 could still remain true.

If the question was “how many times does it look pretty close to a valid time” I would give it to you, except if we’re including “pretty close” the answer becomes infinite since the hands move continuously.