The low-rent interior saves weight, I’ll give it that, but for this price you could be in a low-mileage GTI. It might be slower, but it’s a much nicer place to spend your time.
The low-rent interior saves weight, I’ll give it that, but for this price you could be in a low-mileage GTI. It might be slower, but it’s a much nicer place to spend your time.
Sorry, but I bought a 1985 in better shape mechanically and cosmetically with less then 100,000 miles for $400.
There is a Kia Rondo in the photo! That’s kinda rare man.
“34-year old man-child flushes life down toilet, turns to internet to save him. Hopes to leech off new person and delay all adult responsibility for as long as possible.”
I love that!
I had a 1984 Datsun Nissan Stanza 3-Door, with both names on the hatch. I defy you to find one today, they went the way of the Passenger Pigeon.
Yellow cab had to do SOMETHING in Pittsburgh because they were the single worst cab company on planet earth. Most people here would rather walk or stay home than roll the dice on a yellow cab. Uber made on-demand transportation possible in this city again, and we will never go back. zTrip can kiss my ass, they still…
I for one would like the Navy to know how to operate large ships, but more importantly, is this same issue going on over at the Air Force? A destroyer will not collide with my house any time soon, but a KC-10 certainly could!
2004-2005 Era Honda Accord has the slanted headlights, chrome strip beneath the windows, license plate in the right spot, came with wheel covers that seem to match, and it very commonly stolen.
Bitumen. LOL
1. Why are they not awarding these to deserving people such as myself for free?
Let me guess, the neighbors are recent additions who bought property to be out in a rural location. They want to increase the value of their McMansions by throwing the neighbor out. I bet its one stay-at-home mom who’s bored and needed a cause.
Yes, old white men should be deciding what is appropriate for a black woman. They have clearly led very similar lives and faced very similar prejudices.
If BMW front ends get any uglier, we will all have another use for our Eclipse Glasses.
Dude, slow down on the RedBull. This asshat is so jerky and spastic, do you have Parkinson’s or something?
So there is a huge long line of taxpayer-funded vehicles that are essentially useless. Had that car been packed with explosives and on the gas, it would have easily gone boom right in the middle of the three limos. Not one vehicle from the parade made any attempt to swerve in it’s path. How about saving some $$$…
The law of supply and demand dictates that as supply decreases, the price increases. Supplies will get less and less, so the prices naturally go up and up. I don’t fault the suppliers for raising their prices, especially if they have increased costs (running generators) to stay open or increased risks (getting to…
This thing is so stupid and useless and if I hit the lottery I would buy two right away. Maybe three; one red, one white and one blue.
Impossible? Hardly, that was the design spec for the Fiesta ST.
I was wondering Amber Heard was blowing up my phone. Damn girl, slow down!