That’s a nice neighborhood, FWIW.
That’s a nice neighborhood, FWIW.
Fucking Freddie Prinz Jr., what an ass.
I borrowed my sister’s CJ-5 once and thought it would be cool to not only drop the top, but also the windshield. I had no eye protection on, but hey bikers do it, right? I pulled out onto the beach road and hit the gas, which immediately caused a stream of air/sand to come over the hood and directly into my eyes and…
Have you considered that the mounting points could simply be relocated to accommodate whatever struts you have?
It actually shot a missile at Mach 3+ from over 75,000 feet and hit it’s target that was well below 10,000 feet. Hell yeah.
”The policy doesn’t apply to travelers part of TSA PreCheck, a program that lets you speed through lines for five years if you pay a fee and get a background check.”
Wow, lede. Wonder how many people thought that was a misspelling? Someone remembers Journalism 101.
$40K isn’t chump change, but you are getting performance that took $100,00k+ to purchase just a few years ago. Wow.
You can’t put rational thought into a purchase like that. The new owner is probably pretty darn rich and the money is pocket change, so why not? Maybe it appreciates and goes for more money in 10 years at auction, maybe you drive the snot out of it like the one you owned 10 years ago when you first arrived in…
I applaud this move because it helps the drivers. If they have to schlep across town to return my bag, they get paid. And why shouldn’t they? Without an incentive, my bag probably goes in the trash and I never see it again. $15 is a small price to pay to get my stuff back.
From what I have read, Ford dealers were asking crazy money for the Focus RS, and now have a lot of them sitting on the lots. I love the RS, but for $10K over sticker I would walk to the VW dealer and never look back.
Why would men even need this? I am guessing that women can’t get their fat asses to the mall by themselves because it involves driving and navigation and parking, skills that elude the average female. So these poor guys must shuttle their credit-card melting leeches to the mall to buy new shoes and a pedicure.
Move to the other 99.999999% of the United States who could care less about the Subway.
This brings up an interesting question: could highway departments be liable in the future for not properly marking roads? IF the Tesla was following the lane markings, it would have been forced into the barricade. Heck, if it was foggy and I was following the lane lines, I would have hit the barrier too. That’s an…
My dad calls me out to the Nova he is working on. I am about 10. He says “here, hold these wires together”. I do and get shocked. He says “aw come on, it’s 12 volts, it’s not gonna kill ya.”
You know how many people outside of Manhattan care about the subway system? Zero.
As much as I love the Hamster, is it time to admit the guy can’t drive safely and replace him? I know a guy who is really talented behind the wheel and just as witty and interesting. Call me Jezzer!
“the sole reason these hotrod enthusiasts bought the Corvette Z06 in the first place.”
They don’t want the Escala, they just wan the front end design. It’s awesome, and compared to the FUGLY front ends coming from Lincoln, Lexus and Infinity, its even better looking. Just update all Caddy sedans with that grille and those headlights and people will happily buy the shit out of them.