
Cement truck. A breakdown means the load solidifies and you are screwed.

Whoa, spotted a Supra in traffic there. Haven't seen one in the wild in a long time.

I nominate any wide open, divided 4-lane, with huge shoulders and gentle curves, lightly travelled with good sight lines...that is saddled with a 35 mph limit.

This truck goes around and euthanizes little kitties.

The holes drilled in the McClaren for the camera mount have killed it's value, no one will want it now, but I would take it off your hands just to be a nice guy.

This being Philly, I would suggest that the man in the video is on drugs, is unhappy that he can't score more drugs, and thinks that he can break something off of the car to smoke in his pipe. That does not change the fact that all Corsicas should be attacked and crushed.

2.) Pittsburg

Apparently, in an emergency, AV gas is free!! Or magic fairies make the helicopter fly until the flooding is over!!!

Keep in mind that the Merc was pushing about 1.3 metric tons of air out of the way.

The Type 3/4 wagon from VW also should get a mention. That big hood out front? No motor under there, just storage space. The big cargo hold out back? 100% available for your stuff. The motor is flat and fits underneath somewhere. Amazing packaging.

The Kia Rondo/Carens is one of the best modern vehicles in terms of efficiency. The inside is much larger than the outside. The high roof and lots of glass give it a real airy feel, and the shifter is on the dash, opening up room up front. The roofline doesn't sweep down too much at the back, making the cargo area

Firemen (and that includes women) just don't care. They run TOWARDS burning buildings! They chop their way INSIDE with an ax. You think a little water is going to slow them down? My hat is off to all of them.

I woke up with such a headache, I attributed Plymouth to GM! So sorry GM and Plymouth folks, no insult intended to either.

Is this even a discussion?

I thought we determined recently that the single wiper mod was really lame.

SHIELD is an agency that few people see or understand. The ZDX is therefore perfect.

Well, perhaps next time she will get her kid killed and learn her lesson. Poor kid, I feel bad for anyone with parents that stupid and reckless.

It matters to me because it gives all performance cars a common yardstick to measure against. I don't really care what the Cruse Eco-Diesel does at the 'Ring, but a new Porsche? Hell yeah.

Cool TV Series, Cool Main character, cool car.

I believe the correct translation is: