I think you are missing the point. OVER 2,000 HORSEPOWERS!
I think you are missing the point. OVER 2,000 HORSEPOWERS!
We know they weren't distracted by cleaning their teeth in the mirror...
Why does anyone drive in New York? There are cabs everywhere, the subway system works pretty well, and you can walk most places.
I would have no clue what a gay porn star looks like, why do you?
I'd buy one in the Spring if I could. Seriously.
Every time I fly into NYC, I am amazed that there are no bridges on the one side of downtown. Why did this happen? Why the Holland Tunnel and not a bridge or two? Was it for shipping lanes? Security? Cost? Seriously, I'm not from there and I am curious.
Has anyone been to Atlantis lately? Yeah, entire city sank to the bottom of the ocean. I'd say that's pretty bad!
The Red Bull Helicopter does backflips, and other things that will pucker your sphincter but good!
Who handles the annual registration, inspection and general paperwork for 511 vehicles? Three cars drives me nuts, 511 would have me on a rooftop with a rifle.
I disagree with your choice of vehicle/opinion about said vehicle. As the owner of a [insert some douchemobile that no one is impressed with here], I am an expert on all things automotive. I have no meaningful input on the subject, I just like to point out that I own the car mentioned above as often as I can.