
Maybe she’s Catholic and gay, maybe she didn’t realize she was gay until she met her wife, maybe a religion that allowed and covered up the systematic molestation of children for generations should fucking be cool with the idea that two consenting adults can marry in this country.

The issue with having money and power is you begin to believe that money alone makes you exceptional. Even when the wealth is inherited wealth. Millionaires and Billionaires are the modern aristocracy of America. The more something costs the better it must be and if they weren’t better people why would everyone else

I think the thing about Chipotle is that we all thought the fact that “Chipotle defines itself as a brand committed to transparent sourcing, better ingredients, and food assembled in front of you. It was the first chain to voluntarily disclose GMOs in its food in 2013, and has since switched entirely to non-GMO

Thank you for your story it’s a stark reminder that 50 years later we are still living with the same issues your parents had to face with institutional racism. I think you are right on the money with the solution. Progressive candidates need more support and votes especially at the local level. We then need to watch

Is it weird that I loved Justin Timberlake because of his SNL hosting and for whatever reason him doing the Superbowl has destroyed that good will quite a bit. I don’t know if it’s because of the Janet thing or what but I seriously am not looking forward to this.

Don’t drag Waffle House into this. What did they ever do to you? Other than offer below average food at an affordable price and possibly introduce you to your hookup for T. All of that while proving that with a little bit of elbow grease every single object in a restaurant can be sticky. EVERY SINGLE OBJECT!

My first tattoo wrapped around me left wrist, it started palm down and I was fine when we he started working on the inner wrist, I became pale and dumped sweat, the pain was manageable to my mind but my body was completely rejecting the process. Adrenaline was flowing fight or flight was kicking in and I had to take a

I think you are correct. Anything said resonates through their base as fact. It creates plausible deniability. When he begins to grant presidential pardons of those convicted by Mueller, his base will still support him because of the constant “witchhunt” narrative that has been laid out. Even when shown proof they

Day to day monitoring of the news is overwhelming and I have to take occasional breaks. I am trying to take back some of my news time and search for local initiatives and candidates to support and volunteer for in the next campaigns. Hopefully I can help a local state rep turn a moderate state seat in GA. To be honest

Just damn...

This so much this. This take feels so correct. He is just fishing for the credibility of the gay trendsetting audience as he is attempting to become an auteur and influencer in Hollywood and needs the capital that comes from the (loyal to our supporters) queer audience as he has never had main man success.     

Even if you are a despicable human who doesn’t care about what actually happened as a board member why would you not save yourself a lot of bad press and make a sacrificial lamb out of your president who was going to step down anyway? Why would you attempt :to downplay Simon’s role in the Larry Nassar sexual abuse

We live in a time where information is instant, outrage is rampant but the ability to turn that outrage into something other than a comment on a message board or into an actionable item is really difficult. “It’s easy to say someone should do something” and difficult to figure out who that someone is and how to

I would guess 130,000, and the fear of a libel lawsuit and possibly other intimidation tactics would motivate someone to take the money. I would also guess she shopped the story and that was the most money she was offered.

The fallacy is that the idea of punishment as the primary deterrent is the correct way to prevent future crime isn’t very effective. We glorify punishment in this country and we jail more than governments that we believe to be more authoritarian while claiming to be the most free country in the world. How could this

I think I see what you are getting at, he has the same biological make up as the rest of us. He lived similar experiences as the rest of society but he came to a very different conclusion I think when people call someone a monster they are attempting to understand the mental state that allows someone to do something

Normally there is physical and mental abuse that essentially confuses everyone all around. My abuser was cruel and controlling to those closest to them yet everyone outside saw a different person. Hence why you find so many people with the idea of “I can’t believe x did that”. “That’s not the person I know” stories.

The BDM aspect certainly adds a little more credence into the idea that he may in fact be into pee play...

By the way I hope you are more right than I am...

I see what you are saying, but the hatred is still here. If the last year should have taught us anything is that some people will always use their hate against the “other” as a political tool. Minorities who give up their culture to assimilate haven’t ever truly been treated as equal in this country. I don’t think we