
The majority of the drag queens I know work for tips, and the love of the art of drag. They pay for all of their own costumes makeup and music, at an overall loss. The queer community in Atlanta is seeing a decline in the amount of people who actually leave the house compared to just 5 years ago. The rise of the sex

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This is an American hero. When the rest of America didn’t care because it was a disease of the “sinful” she lead not only with words but example. Humanity is better thanks to her efforts.

Sadly this isn’t true, the alt right movement is about recruiting social outcasts and the maladjusted. There are plenty of racists who parents do not agree with them. I think what you are saying is right frequently, sadly this modern movement isn’t the same as the good ole boy racism of the past. To oversimplify this

This is excellent and under appreciated. I see what you did and it was magical.

Yeah you know what she paid attention to growing up in Australia. Glad you know the inside other people’s heads Prof X.

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Trump is the mayor from the Andy Griffith show, it’s uncanny.

Thank you for my late Christmas Present you filthy animal.

That’s Mr. Poopy Butthole to you...and everyone else cause that’s his actual name, “Mr. Poopy Butthole”. He’s a character from Rick and Morty it’s hard to explain why he’s funnier than the dumb name but I assure you it’s ridiculous so he took off as a fan favorite of the show.

Makes post to say “he is done” attempts to make responses on a message board a bad thing. Maybe you should look into how comments sections work.

Thank you for my early Christmas present you filthy animal.

You left out drunken and disorderly fans that make going to your team’s away games a coin toss for your safety.

I have no idea what that does about the point. You were arguing early the feedback for the movie was being dragged down by new fans or “commoners” not understanding Star Wars. That take doesn’t match with the success that has been the world wide Phenomenon that is Star Wars. The feedback is what it is because there

You made the dumb statement. You should try again. 3rd highest grossing film franchise of all time suddenly the ”commoners notice!!!” Yeah man that’s what you meant. Great films don’t split the audience takes down this middle like this. It was a great Star Wars story (everything Jedi) buried in a mediocre film that

Bad movies are bad you didn’t see these complaints with Force Awakens or Rogue One because they didn’t do silly things to simply move a plot along. Dues Ex after Dues Ex does not make for an enjoyable movie experience for all. When you make a movie that everyone sees everyone has an opinion. “Enough commoners” now

Last years stats on a very bad team he was miles better than anything the Texans rolled out after Watson went down and better than 8 other starters last year by QBR, 59 % passing, 16 td to 6 picks, 3 more rushing tds and 500 yds rushing. His yards per pass was middle of the pack his but Torrey Smith was the number 1

For everyone jumping to conclusions about her sleeping with other people, she could be doing cam work or stripping so she may not be having sex with other people. I would guess she is just getting looked at due to the narcissism comment or he would have explicitly said I he was not comfortable with someone else

I love the attitude that Airline workers are “minimum wage workers” isn’t seen as incredibly insulting. That’s the most belittling pat on the head I read in all of that. One person attacks major corporation for not living up to their responsibilities, is a little annoying about it. Next person insults everyone who

Players should have to sit as long as the player they hit are out, or a minimum of two games with appeals. These blindside hits would stop. Or during suspensions offending players game checks should go to the player who was injured by dirty hit. That shit would def stop.

I don’t know where he is from or what his religion is. Brainwashing is a tough thing to overcome. Hell he could just not like sex with women and not know why or be asexual or just really not understand his body or what he likes. I am not saying the scenario above is definitely what’s happening as I am not sure the

Look to see how much porn he is watching and what kind, as a man who works in a gay bar I see many of these dudes trolling around ignoring their wives while they have a bunch of downlow sex. As a queer man I am not passing judgement this is a common occurrence I see frequently sadly. Men who won’t come out of the