You son of a bitch. I love you.
You son of a bitch. I love you.
If you think the current GOP platform on Education, Financial Assistance, Law Enforcement, Military Usage, Religion, Women’s Rights, Gentrification, Tax Policy, Voting Rights, health care, the Arts or anything else only slightly “fuck over minorities slightly less” than democratic policies you haven’t read either…
There is a problem with the democratic party that goes like this, minority voters are rarely “inspired” to vote for white candidates at the level needed to win and white voters are quick to find reasons not to be “inspired” by a minority candidates. Sometimes you have to just say the enemy of my enemy, and the GOP is…
He’s on low IQ and and american beer.
I believe there is a bigger threat from the right in actually attacking Trump when they determine he is a Kleptocrat who took their blue collar votes and enriched himself and his cronies at their expense. Sooner or later someone is going to realize that their ideals were exploited and all the “liberal tears” in the…
Nuclear Arsenal deployed in subs all over the world means no other country can waltz in and take over so there is no ‘ending America’ the government may go through major changes but there is no way for an internal or external threat to overthrow our government without ensuring their destruction. This land is our land…
I meant I think the right would target those places if someone assassinated the president, but let me remind you of Castro district, Stonewall, the La Riots dehumanize people enough and either side could/will flare up.
Computers are smart.
The assassination of any President in our current political climate might break the Union. The currently divided sides of our nation that are becoming violently opposed would shatter apart. I believe the rift would start off a major internal conflict. The angry masses would take to the streets and I would fear for…
Legend has it he has a unicorn horn for a...
I am not for using weak unrealistic arguments to back my position on gun measures. The Second Amendment stands and has been limited by Supreme Court ruling. I feel there is a greater threat to my freedoms from my fellow armed untrained citizen currently than the federal government. I am all for a literal…
I wish anyone who believes they stand a chance against a M-1 Abrams with their Wal-Mart bought arsenal all the luck in the world. The world has moved on from this being a relevant argument, any weapon required to actually resist an active assault by the United States military is already highly illegal. Any scenario…
One of the best articles I have read in awhile. Thank you.
Sadly what you lift has little to do with how much punishment you can take when someone delivers unexpected punches to the side of your head.
Yea man if someone was weak swinging like that, I would completely argue that punching them like he did was uncalled for.
We are a million miles from the original message because people who want to ignore the original intent of the protest have intentionally changed the conversation to meet their political goals. If a protest stopped every time the oppressor attempted to derail the conversation what purpose would protesting serve? Sorry…
“It’s unclear why Scully brought up the military.”
“Christians” are in power in our political system now, how much love and compassion do you see in their policies? Organized Religion is a social weapon about manipulation of the masses. Not love, compassion or any other ideal you can find.
”We thought that was as near to being a perfect environment for our children,” Jackson said. “I was very surprised that they would have to experience hatred in a Christian school. It’s very disheartening.”
I had a FTA for a $100 no right turn on red in Cobb Country GA. My bond was $3,750. Seriously what the fuck? No priors, no history of traffic violations. Shoot at someone and $1000. Damn I am living life wrong.