
Dude got rung so hard he’s going to be seeing everything in portrait mode for a while.

In Kentucky people normally take advantage of sleepy Cousins.

UT Trustee: So much for equal opportunity.

What is this?

Several schools have reportedly turned down a similar donation from another NBA great as they’re reluctant to open the JR Smith Basketball Facility for Hot Women.

You sound like an old* now. *chuckles*

Fellow Weight Watcher here!! I’m down eighteen pounds since July - slow and steady and it has worked for me. Mostly, I learned about portions and snacking. Those were my downfalls.

Weight Watcher here. I lost a stubborn 25 lbs of post-40 creep over 6 months this year, completely from having the app tell me I was eating too much crap. It’s been great. I wasn’t that overweight, I’m more active than average, and I basically know what I should be doing. But that kick in the ass and eye-opening

As someone that runs events and manages the gaming side of a LGS, I would welcome the removal of the reserved list.

There is nothing more annoying than amateur investors. The ones that play the game and think they are going to get 200% value out of their played cards that they invested a whole $100 into. Oh and all

I feel like people on this site used to be better at getting jokes.

Still not the dumbest shit seen written on a red hat.

“Hey Giants, the best way to get rid of Apple cancer is chemotherapy. Trust me on this…”

Those contractors knew what they were signing up for!

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

[Furiously takes notes]

Good form.

I’m giving you a star because few people bring up the 2002 Bucs when talking about all-time great defenses (even though they should).

He’s black.

Egypt, you used to be cool. Say what you will about polytheism, I bet crocodile-head guy didn’t give a shit about how people ate fruit.