
My guess is he thought he was gonna get “butt stuff”  after the marriage and then she was like “Nah I’m a preacher”...

Now playing

Here’s to hoping it’s his Howard Dean moment.

The politicians certainly didn’t want Roe gone. It was a golden goose to rail against. There wasn’t a law they could make that the Supreme Court couldn’t strike down so they could raise money forever on it and never be held accountable when they couldn’t actually do the things they promised. 

Don’t forget the half-arsed first attempt where txpayers would have had to take over the billion dollar debt.

They are going to drag it out, even if convicted watch the next republican president give him a pardon. 

Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I had a million dollars I could hook that up, cause chicks dig a dude with money.

No one buys his music. Hence this performative bullshit.

When you have no other policy that actually helps the lower and working classes, riling them up about “others” is all you got.

Hell yeah they do.

Trans people should buy his shit ass music. Maybe he he will turn the gun on the creator of that garbage.

So I had to look it up cause it seemed straight up crazy. I couldn’t figure out the more insane scenario. Like you don’t have the brand recognition to do this so that’s such a random choice for a spokesperson. So it’s also insane to choose him if you are randomly attaching name illegally. There is no sane scenario

Facism - political movement that embraces far-right nationalism and the forceful suppression of any opposition, all overseen by an authoritarian government.

The mentaility of “what about ism?” and believing it makes any type of point. 49 million registered Dems all agree on that George Bush is now good because he like Michelle. Stop thinking twitter is real life any anyone gives a shit what happens there or it represents the beliefs of an entire political party and it’s

It’s literally the opposite of every fucking word uttered by Jesus in the Bible. How the fuck are people so dumb?

If anyone sees that video and has a belief that this is reasonable response or what the Constitution intended for firearms, let me just say, “Fuck you.” 

It’s a lie.

Smoking is good for you why would we want to kill our customers? Pretending companies aren’t aware of the risks they create by maximizing profits while ignoring glaring harm they cause isn’t ever going to help anything change.

If you believe there is an “agenda” to push your statement that you have zero against the LGBTQ+ community is complete bullshit. If you believe the episodes weren’t interesting as filler congrats on having an opinion.

“three kinds of rage: coffee rage, cheese rage, and sex rage.”

Is it even humor? This was the late 90's nihilism being copied and pasted to sell things. It was dumb then and it’s dumb now. Chandler Bing the product.