
As a bar worker for the past 20 years I have never heard anyone be frustrated or claim it is disrespectful to round the bill. I am going to ask around but I have never heard anyone say a word about it. Not saying it’s not a thing but my personal experience doesn’t match up with yours. I am going in tomorrow and asking

It’s not an old wive’s tell sadly, fucking shitty owners will actually take the CC transaction fee out of the tip or a percentage of that, before distributing the tip to the server even though the fact a CC was used has nothing to do with the server.

I wouldn't do couples therapy but I would definitely do personal therapy if there is a chance it would help people with the process and maybe trying it. Not for a reality show or anything but for a documentary or whatever maybe. 

The rich are so used to getting free money from the Feds they are incredulous at the audacity of the working class or poor being in line at all. They may actually depend on the hand of the free market to predict their future and without government grifting they will have to actually work.

No you are going to write a simple letter that is a character reference which many jobs request as part of the hiring process. You are going to mention, that you believe it possible for someone to grow in college and you truly hope that this person has learned and grown from their bullying but if a student complaint

I love this so much. 

This. No one should be lighting pitch forks but giving a heads up about possible conflicts based on personal experience isn’t bad. Especially when your intentions are about protecting children and not some form of revenge. 

Nah it’s a fund raising reality TV thing. What a coincidence the family’s main attention getting vehicle is going off air and suddenly this.

The right isn’t about voting for someone but instead voting against the other side. The only bullet they have is “lower taxes” as it’s a snake that eats it’s tail. The lower the taxes are the more the rich are able loot the poor, and the more ineffective the government meaning more support for lower taxes until the

Death penalty for no one. Vengeance is not justice.

“I’m not a philosopher so I don’t sit back and think through these definitions as much as others do,”

First I am pretty sure your name is a Bob’s Burgers reference which means I heart you. Second yep agreed. She left the money and possibly their meal had already been paid or comped and she was a dumb ass. If someone doesn’t ask you for something and you leave it it’s not their job to inform you or correct you. 

Right a lot of comments are missing the truth here by implying military training is why these guys didn’t react to her. I offer up that these were just good people as the reason they didn’t harm her. I have seen awful behavior from many people in uniform over the years and we can all spend five minutes finding 100's

I am making new burners to give you more stars. 

Pedophilie hiding religion wants to tell other people they can't take communion because of "think of the children". I HATE EVERYTHING. 

The furniture joke is from the Wayfair qanon conspiracy. I refuse to link it because just remembering the idiocricy has my blood pressure up.

As a longtime bartender and doorman you are preaching to the converted. 

Perhaps they at war with their neighbor, and really wanted to make great great great great great Grandpa Odysseus proud.

How will the evil liberal cabal get more blood to drink though? Sigh people are really dumb.

The microchip 5g signal is you know killing the eggs because Bill Gates weather control space lasers. /s