
There is no diet-racism. I have said this to bosses before over ‘jokes’. When any amount of racism frames your thinking you can’t be trusted to lead others or make decisions. When making decisions anyone who follows you who doesn’t have full access to your thinking has to assume racism played some role in your

Oh the worst part is I wasn’t a star in the sport that I was being pushed back into I was just a body. Literally the team was losing 15 to 18 minutes of below average offense, average post D and rebounding. I was playing 7th or 8th man minutes. My coach/AD were not really pressuring me, it was more from my Dad. The

I wish I could proofread. See it really set me back. Going to college would have helped me make better collages.

Or damn use your phone.

Yep being shamed into rushing back to be tough on a bad ankle my junior year cost me my senior year, required multiple operations the of which cost sent me into debt in my 20's and delayed me going into collage. While it’s “ok” now I wish I just would have listened to the Dr. not my family.

Our Playstation is in a shared space but I wanted to do another run on my pc hopefully this gets ironed out. 


To blame it on the protests is to ignore the financial dire straits the working class has been put in. While they debate “helping” us with our money children go hungry and breadlines get longer. The lack of intellectual honest in this country will be it’s downfall.

Hopefully there is some peace in the next life. We have people harassing survivors while supporting vocal abusers. I wish her all the peace and contentment denied to her in this world.

I mean especially after the federal actions during the protests. Talk about delusional.

That’s the best pic I have seen of it. The amusement park is for really young kids and old people. There is a train that runs around the mountain.This is more what it looks like when you are actually at the mountain. This pic is recent. Not my pic but a recent one.

It looks like my drunk grandpa carved it. When I moved to Atlanta I was shocked by this “art” and hell I came from small town SC. This was 15-20 years ago and I haven’t been back to the actual Stone Mountain area until this holiday when relatives camped there. Hey they turned the old Plantation area into a mini

Did you see my memo asking you confirm the invite to the agenda meeting? 

He has ruined that state and they keep voting for him. It’s their fault. 

In a split second you have to determine if they are legit cops or not but even then it’s in your best interest,if there isn’t a clear safe escape” to comply. That’s all you can do in any armed encounter where multiple armed individuals surprise you. If you reach for your mace it most likely will end poorly. A single

I see this argument constantly without the never mind and it’s a peeve. Sorry I was aggressively agreeing with the general concept of your post.

Right I remember when all those cops showed up to calmly discuss the issues in Selma. Desegregation was a long calm conversation. It was a privileged to live a life where you believed everyone was having calm conversations. Nostalgia can be applied to your life but not to history. 

Right people are comfortable with others dying for selling a loose cig but get really offended when held to any level of accountability for their own actions.

Who ever hits the other in the face first would win. I would guess neither has taken a punch since elementary school. In new fighters it’s hard to take that first punch and keep moving forward unless you have no other options.