
Your status as straight or gay can’t change the social norms of the terms. Calling someone a slur, (queer or fag) especially when used to attack their masculinity is homophobic because is implies that the very act of existing as “not hetro” is a lesser class of person or social status. I respect your opinion to not

As the president you have access to military personnel, lobbyists, and gun manufacturers but your son knows more than anyone you know?!? Wtf. 

Nope it means what it always meant. A nazi by any other name ect ect. 

Swarzak responded on Instagram on Wednesday morning with a story that started with “Apparently there’s some confusion about white nationalism” and went on from there. “It’s irresponsible to use the word ‘white nationalim’ (sic) as it spreads a false narrative that it’s negative to be proud of your country. Again this

“God bless the people of El Paso Texas. God bless the people of Dayton, Ohio.” - cause no one in the American government is going to do anything.

Strongly disagree. I live in GA which does not have 7-11 the rare occasion I get access to one it’s a little joy. They also have Shark Week Slurpee straws.

Not pulling the rhetorical questions out of the grey but feel free to read up on Redmap if you wan to understand why they aren’t returning. But sure it's my fault. 

Looking at their stats yeah I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t.

If the Bucs haven’t installed a full time “life coach” to Winston by now they are a bigger garbage fire than I thought.

I would prefer to deal with rodent, you know when you have a mouse and when you don’t they are large, noisy and can be dealt with humanely if you desire. With roaches you have no clue how many or how effective you have been at removing them. I had a job repairing electronics in college and I can’t describe the horror

The quote from Head Coach Tom Cable on Russell was almost negative   He’s (JaMarcus) here, he’s working. He’s doing everything that everyone else is doing. He’s been here since the second week. He’s been doing it like everyone else”

The worst result is Winston becomes an above average QB and the Bucs pay him. If you look at the teams since the rookie wage scale was added, 11 of the 14 starting QB’s were on a rookie contract or were Tom Brady. (Cam in 2015 signed a deal that had his cap number at 13 million well below starter  and balloned to 20

I relate to this. I hope you find that feeling you seek. 

I want to embed myself in one of the groups that show up at pride to protest and undermine their message with scripture.

Your point absolutely is correct as a rebuttal to his initial claim.

I would guess she is stating her beliefs clearly here. If you read the original article she was against the “partisan nature of Kanavaugh’s” confirmation and refers back to a time when politics was about compromise and political differences weren’t as polarizing. It’s the same rhetoric Biden references when he talks

I can’t discount the idea that Tenn and Tampa’s dysfunction is behind the lack of development for both players. Maybe in a different situation they would both be farther along. 

You on a new level. 

This is such a bullshit narrative, no one is stopping CK from being an artist. Each individual gets to decide if they want to acknowledge his art however. 

Agreed. My opinion is flawed due to fandom.