
Yes. That's clearly what I was saying: "Fuck learning."

Looks like someone just took their first undergraduate art theory course. Congrats!

Lawyer does job. Film at 11.

Damn, I was so upset they never made any sequels to that game.

1 part 808's Kanye (vocals); 1 part James Ferraro (beats); 1 part Tyler the Creator (lyrics)

It's cool guys, Jared will totally have it all worked out before the concert date.

Just like "idiot" and "moron," "retard" arises from a Latin word and is not a medical term by origin. So the path is basically the same, it's just more recent so your association of the word with mental development is stronger.

If that's true, then it would imply that the primary definition of "retarded" is something or someone that lacks intelligence, and only works as a slur when used against those who were previously described as "mentally retarded" in a clinical sense. So modern usage of the word should not be considered substantially

Yes. Really.


"But the real draw, at least for elementary-school set, are those blabbering, be-goggled, yellow thumb-shaped guys"

Yeah, I agree. It also seemed like the most obvious part of the film that Branagh had no interest in, it being the most stock "superhero" moment of the story.

Yes. For the simple fact that they are (again, along wth GotG) are the only Marvel movies so far that actually tried to do something interesting and not follow the aim for a 7 out of 10 template that Jon Faverau instituted in Iron Man, and most every director since has stuck to. That is not to say those movies don't

"[W]ere one to marry the god-falls-to-Earth adventure of Thor to the fight-the-Germans wartime exploits of Captain America: The First Avenger, you’d ballpark the narrative makeup."

Post-impressionistic. Come on, A.V. Club, let's get our art movements straight.

It's the other side of the "separating-the-art-from-the-artist" problem.

I'm okay with dark humor, even as a first response to tragedy, but there's an direct relationship between how tragic the situation and how on-point a joke or wry comment has to be to succeed. With an event like this one, you've got to be come up with something pretty fucking brilliant to pass muster, and I'm not sure

Yeah, and it's especially bullshit because it's easy for them to raise only the price offered to the drivers while not passing that cost onto the passengers at a specific place or time. But that would require Uber to be not be have a terrible corporate ethos.

Drinks for everyone!

But that's my point, (I think), because they're usually described as "cancer survivors" or someone who survived cancer. Plus, again, cancer, much more deadly than sexual assault.