
Am I the only person who is old enough/studied history in college who find calling those who were sexually assaulted "survivors" to be confusing? Back in my day, that word referred to those few who survived the Holocaust (which makes more sense, considering the relative death rate of the Holocaust compared with sexual

Orange and fennel is a classic combo in Italian cooking. Generally, licorice and citrus pair well together, just have to keep a light touch on the licorice flavor or it overwhelms everything.

Can someone explain what the author means by "unsuccessfully differentiated"?

Umm, you guys realize that the FCC investigates all the complaints it receives, right? I'll save my outrage 'til they actually make a decision on whether to fine CBS.

On the other hand, the thing I like least about GoT is the need to advance certain storylines that are interminably boring at the expense of focusing on those that are more intriguing. So a show not hemmed into focusing on, lets just use Sam's quest to have sex with a lady as a placeholder, could allow for development

Not this season. Maybe in season 2.

N64, Battle Mode, Block Fort, Repeat Ad Infinitum, Fin.

So, it's a $300 coffee table art book w/ an included vinyl pressing?

Tuna sandwiches are the single exception to the fish/cheese divide. Although better come with a sharp cheddar or I'm not interested.

Yeah, Chief, aka. Carl Tart, is amazing. Although I hope he brings back fry cook (not chef!) Marvin… Marvin Phelps sometime soon.

Basically the original meaning notes a logical fallacy. To quote Garner, "to base a conclusion on an assumption that is as much in need of proof or demonstration as the conclusion itself."

Yeah, but I think being bothered by the change in meaning here is a bit more justified, since the "new" meaning is contrary to the original meaning. Although it's kind of like how people use "begs the question", which also fundamentally opposes the original meaning of the phrase, and of which I am generally okay with,

Kirby's Dream Course makes golf fun. No small task.

Haha, I walked out of a screening of Firewall at the WGA. That movie was so awful.

I saw it in digital projection, which was a rare thing back then. It was incredible, just for that reason. Also the reason why Avatar was so much fun watching in 3D at the Arclight Dome. (the staffer who said the 3d graphics are poor doesn't know what she's talking about)

You seem fun.

"I'm fairly certain that there is a case in some other circuit that denies VARA/moral rights in the land surrounding a public sculpture, as that could get real absurd real quick (although I think the extent to which context is a part of a public art installation and should be protected is important and interesting)"

of course, this assumes a difference

In this case, that's true. But that's the result of this being a single sculpture. In general, parody does, or can alter the understanding of the original work.

Sorry. Got you now though.