
I think that can be true, but it's also the heart of any parody or using another's original work can form the basis for critical commentary. So requiring consent would be a severe restriction on free expression.

Please, do go on and explain how it does in any legal sense. Points awarded for clever wordplay.

Right. But people keep stating that the original statue was illegally installed as if that matters one iota. Which it does not.

Originally installed illegally, but subsequently installed by the city. So, there legally.

Ahem, you mean #Upvoted.

clever tree pun!

Oh, good, you used the next term that society needs to push back against being used in a manner no longer sufficiently tethered to the original, precise meaning - "gaslighting"

I think people forget how huge grunge music and culture was for those first few years in the 1990s. And if you correctly subscribe to the idea that culture moves in 20 year cycles, it should have been no surprise that flannel patterns came back into fashion about five years ago.

Early 90s - Singles
Middle 90s - Clueless
Late 90s - Can't Hardly Wait

Citizens United was a far more reasonable decision than the "Blurred Lines" verdict.

Yeah, I feel the same. I mean, I was pretty upset when Kurosawa cast Toshiro Mifune as Macbeth.

But does her case beg the question?

And skip all the non-Lithgow and/or Dexter scenes from that season.

Agree that it's not their best album: White Light/White Heat just edges it. The rest of your opinion is wrong. So, so wrong. And you don't have to be sorry, but you should be.

And it's basically standard at any kebab shop in France. Douse some spicy white sauce on there and it's heaven.

"Soul of a bottlenose dolphin!"

A weird and interesting and fairly un-sexy voice, and The Beatles?

As a native of Los Angeles, these are my exact thoughts whenever anyone from another city claims they have great Mexican food

Peking Duck Dynasty? Would watch.

"whose views fall way left of Scalia's"