
I think there's a 30 for 30 on the USFL that was pretty good.

Is there a way to watch Hurt and not the rest of the movie?

Fair enough. Thanks for taking the time to reply, and I'm looking forward to reading your upcoming reviews. It's a trope that has been used far too much in the past, and I had hoped that our society had moved past using it for dramatic or comedic effect. Sadly, and problematically, the CW seems to endorse the premise

How else was he going to know if he was immortal?

Yo, it's not a "'sexy' teacher-student affair," it's STATUTORY RAPE. What the everlasting fuck is this doing being reviewed without that being mentioned? At the very least, even assuming Riverdale exists in Kentucky or some state with lower age of consent laws, the power imbalance is super problematic. If the genders

Still the single best narrative film about the invasion of Iraq.

This seems like the perfect show to try and resist binging. I watched the first two episodes and started the third before deciding to pause and wait a week or two before watching the full second story. Anyone else doing likewise?

No, it implies an asymmetrical distribution. If it was a bell curve, you'd expect Eleanor's score to be around 1,000,000 points lower.

Tahani's score was second lowest of all the people in The Good Place, right? So if she's only about 250,000 below the mean, that's an interesting distribution curve, given Eleanor's and Chidi's scores and their respective rankings.

Considering she tried to submit the song into the category, probably at least one.

Counterpoint(-question): Do Canadians count as foreigners?

I think you're being too kind to Jack Reacher 2.

So… Gilligan's Island?

I'm not sure it if would be considered being scared, but I was on the edge of my seat for all of The Orphanage. Love that movie.

I could quibble with some of your numbers, but I won't because I respect the hell out of you for taking the time to spin this out. A tip of my cap to you, good person.

What? You'd have to change maybe every 100 days, so that's three or four flights a year. Figure each one-way flight costs $500-$700, so let's just ballpark around $2000-$2500 a year in flight costs. Not that expensive to set up a room in a couple different apartments — who doesn't want a roommate who is gone half the

Oh, I know I'm overthinking it. Just seemed an obvious solution. And takes away some of the terror. Contrast that with The Ring, maybe?

Here's what I don't get about it Follows (other than the critical praise). It seems like all someone has to do to escape is get on a plane and fly to the other side of the world every so often. Since the creature only moves at walking pace, you'd have a few months at least before having to get back on the plane and


But still not as implausible as Petco getting a 'Let's Go Padres" chant ringing when playing the Dodgers.