
Short answer: No.

Why don't you want to see a dog on Mars? What kind of communist are you?

Language does matter, and both "pro-life" and "pro-choice" are problematic. Re-framing "pro-life" as "anti-choice" is not much different than re-framing "pro-choice" as "anti-life." Yes, it's slightly more accurate in absolute terms, but it's still an exercise in moralistic messaging.

I've always understood an idiom to be a phrase which expresses a figurative meaning distinct from or much broader than from its literal meaning—e.g. "look a gift horse in the mouth"

"I think the value of RDJ's Tony Stark can't be underestimated."

It's almost like he didn't read the article and compose a thoughtful response to the substance of Alston's argument, and instead rushed to try and be the first person to comment below the line…

No thoughts on The Carmichael Show's treatment of the subject? I thought in many ways it was better than Black-ish's treatment (which was good).

He's right through. I never understood why someone would want a signature rather than the extra moment of personal interaction with the person.

If that happens, I will come back and write a post asking forgiveness for my blasphemy. Also, that would be amazing if that goes down.

But you've just agreed with my analysis, since the entire point was that Game of Thrones has regressed to classic narrative structure after spending most of five seasons proclaiming how it was breaking that structure. (Also, there are plenty of classic works that don't follow the idea that protagonists succeed in the

Thank you for the constructive feedback. I'll try and do better next time.

No problem! Glad you read it both times!

For all the problems I've had with this show over the years, what I appreciated most was its attempt to be more than a television show in many ways, from the character arcs to the (mostly)absence of plot armor and sympathy granted to characters when it didn't fit the world. This last season, while maybe better

For all the problems I've had with this show over the years, what I appreciated most was its attempt to be more than a television show in many ways, from the character arcs to the (mostly)absence of plot armor and sympathy granted to characters when it didn't fit the world. This last season, while maybe better

That last photo of him with the cigarette in his mouth and flipping the bird is amazing.

Yeah, I know. It's super annoying, especially because it usually derails any interesting conversation about the article and clogs the first few discus sections of the comments.

I don't grasp the relevance of this comment to the article.

I do too. And although not groundbreaking by any means, I think it's pretty impressive that a 20 year old kid from Chicago pulled French lounge and British trip-hop into some classic American rap beats.

I'm pretty sure Ramsey sees himself as the hero of GoT too.

Are we judging the relevancy only his placeholder comment, or his now-edited post, which I'll note doesn't identify that he made substantive edits?