
If by "work" you mean took a group of characters who had been leads in mostly indistinguishably beige movies, lumped them all together as a team, and made two movies with maybe ten to fifteen minutes of memorable scenes, then yes, he made the Avengers work.

I'll go one step further: Joss Whedon is completely average as a writer, filmmaker, etc.

It's the inevitable result when you use generalist writers for music (or any arts) criticism. Like any other form of writing, there's a language barrier to going beyond the descriptive part of a work and teasing out a deeper thread. And most the writers that do that end up at the music-focused sites, e.g. Pitchfork,

Feels like you're making a big assumption with one of those dates.

I mean, everything she says is pretty much true, and yet still it's a NO, WRONG.

You know, that version still exists.

That concert was amazing, in no small part because the venue is one of the prettiest places to see a concert. The curfew actually works to the advantage of a band like Radiohead, because the first couple songs were played as the sun was setting over the Pacific.

But all the comedy is coming from him having Alzheimer's.

Yeah, because they were not making fun of people who actually had real heart attacks. Here, the entire joke is that Reagan has Alzheimers and haha, it's so funny when a person is suffering the debilitating effects of an incurable disease.

And those stupid GamerGaters ruin something else. They're so stupid.

Littlefinger's plan seems to be premised on fomenting and then reacting to chaos, which is why he's been the most successful. Without a set plan that depends on multiple moving parts, he's less vulnerable to it being ruined by the idiocy of another person.

Wouldn't that mean her story's tedious delay is Martin's fault, and not the showrunners'?

And thanks for your response as well, which simply by not calling me a hater, is sadly almost unique. I'll try and give it another listen in the coming week; maybe something will click.

I'm sorry, your dragons have not had the proper vaccinations, and we'll have to quarantine them during your visit. We have a strict policy on non-native pets; they disrupt our natural eco-system.

Enough of it to have concluded that it's not a substantial departure from her previous few albums, which I find perfectly adequate without ever being interesting or compelling.

Oddly, that's almost inconsequential. Beyonce's genius is in positioning herself as a simulacrum for others to profess their own desires and redress their own insecurities.

Wait, there were people who thought Pitt was the inferior version? I never even thought that was a position that existed.

Comment username reference synergy.

And let's ignore that Christie is more qualified than most of us to determine the proper way to eat a box of M&Ms.

Yup. Basically the same thing with the Erin Andrews and Hulk Hogan cases. Real issues that we care about because celebrity!