
It would have to be, there is no real argument that could reasonably distinguish between the different possible genders involved in a rape. Which is why the judge was correct to rejected that claim by Kesha, though it would have helped if she'd remembered that most people on the internet wouldn't have the capacity to

"A lot of people praise it because they mistake its dark tone for "depth" …"
Is this something people do anymore?

But then who would have been alive to engage in a massive, time-consuming fist-fight?

I don't know, I think @Osiris convinced me that the solution to Frank Miller is to bury Frank Miller six feet underground next to a complete set of the Harry Potter books.

I don't think the two concepts are irreconcilable in theory, but they became that way when writers decided to add other Kyptonians and aliens to the story. Take that away, and you're left with Superman as both alien AND god, which can also be considered messianic, especially if written to explore the idea of someone

Well, that's peoples' fault for conflating fascism and racism, even if understandable, given the whole Nazi/Hitler/Holocaust thing.

Yes, he's technically an alien, not a representation of humanity's relationship with the divine. But if you meant it in more than a pedantic literal sense, then please, go on and explain instead of simply stating that it's a soundbite and then leaving.

Both Arrow and The Flash need to cut some characters from the overstuffed roster. It would allow for most guest arcs, like bringing Constantine on for a run of six episodes, And would hopefully cut out some of the tired third-tier character plots.

A slight from Zach Snyder should lead an actor's reel.

At least the courtroom dialogue was mostly legitimate, in stark contrast to Daredevil, when Murdock basically submits his closing argument while he has the Punisher on the stand and is supposedly asking him a question. Other than judge's weird comment that there is no evidence right before she then discusses Cpt.

Superman essentially being god in human form is precisely why Superman is a more interesting character than Batman to anyone who has moved past the mentality of an angst-ridden teenager.

I know it's not the greatest form to link to another site's review, but this one is just too perfect not to share:

He'd be in the exact same position as he was before, only knowing that his actions were actually necessary and maybe justified?

Hating a song for personal reasons is perfectly fine, as long as you acknowledge that your hatred is irrationally personal. Similar thing with music taste: don't take the position that someone's an asshole for liking Dave Matthews and then later claim Guns n' Roses is some great band. Cause you're basically just a

You're saying it's his white glove? Quick, get Inspector Clouseau on the case!

Because Batman's mother is not a real character, and only a plot device?


Well, a copyright claim in this instance is based on the combination of the separate elements, but a future creator could potentially use isolated elements that were not uniquely copyrightable without the full context, and Paramount could do nothing about it. The D's are screwed in this case, cause they were dumb in

It wasn't a bluff. And a lot of those "copyrighted" elements are going to get tossed from protection. Which even if doesn't get these defendants off the hook, will be of use for future fan fiction writers. I mean, claiming copyright protection is Vulcan pointy ears?—elves are pissed.

Oh, for sure. This was back in 2012 though, so it preceded much of the lazy use of the target.