
There's nothing more annoying than praising a film to a friend, then watching the trailer for said movie with that friend, then having to try and convince said friend that you don't have terrible taste in film and that the trailer was a huge lie.

But there is no chance of charges being filed, not least considering there is no real viable evidence that would support a conviction. And the idea that a little recreation cocaine use would doom a legal career is fanciful. Other than that, what Joshua said in the review.

Yeah, I don't disagree with this. I think FOX looked at the original run of the show and saw Duchovny as the main, with Anderson as the co-main, which I think is a defensible position—structurally the show was driven (especially in the first few seasons) but Mulder's journey, with Scully's character mainly driving

Sure, but then you're conceding that pay is not linked to anything beyond the ability to generate value, which in this case is likewise complex and unknown.
If you accept that Lowe gets more money because he can command more money, then you have to concede the possibility that something similar is happening here. Yes,

Find the quotes for "The Grinder" and I'll wager Rob Lowe's salary that it dwarfs Fred Savage's.

Yeah, that's not how incognito mode works. Youtube still tracks your watch history. All incognito mode does is prevent your porn browsing history from popping up into the autofill.

And knowing she's a diverse, we know she's not an urban.

Don't hate just 'cause he's a maker and not a taker.

Step three is profit.

I knew who you meant. Definitely uses Lutnick's backstory, but the other trappings—e.g. hedge fund in Connecticut, use of "tips" to back trades—all scream Cohen. But both leads are composites of at least a couple individuals. Giamatti's channelling Spitzer for the aggressive moves with the press and tactical

I think Lewis is meant to stand in for Steve Cohen more than the head of Cantor Fitzgerald, although the back story is taken from the later. The affected conspicuous philanthropy is spread across most of the financial industry.

Metallica hires law firm, tells firm to vigorously police band's IP; partner at firm follows client wishes; press gets wind of action; Metallica uses PR firm to publicize statement about how "it's all good" and rebuking lawyer with big show about "haha, we fired her"; public blames lawyer because public is dumb;

Surveying 15,000 people who watched Netflix on their phone and then extrapolating overall numbers without any reference is basically worthless.

It's too bad that the comic industry refuses to recognize the potential villainy of Batman: a middle-aged white man who inherited a fortune from his daddy, whose fortune is the result running a multi-national conglomerate, and who now choses to dress up in costume so he can solve problems through mass surveillance and

Exactly. I liked Doomsday as a character precisely because there was a lack of overwrought complexity to him, and that allowed him to represent somthign base and primal, which is something comics often lack. And the first rematch in the three comic release placed a nice bow on the story by examining a straightforward

I agree. I would have liked to show to have been more obvious with its awareness of its own descent into the prurient details of the story. I think it was there, but too subtle, and too easily overwhelmed by the crush of online and media coverage of the "who done it" aspect.

That's more the fault of the listening masses (e.g. Reddit) who turned the story into the opportunity to wildly speculate in the manner only the internet can, and less the show itself, which one can fault for playing into those tendencies, but not for the vast majority of listeners fundamentally misunderstanding what

Yes. But different than season 1. Although not as different as people who listened to season 1 as a extended 20/20 episode say it is. But those people have a limited grasp of what season 1 was about, which limits their ability to understand what season 2 is about.

Oh, I fully understand the money draw—I have more than a few friends who work for large firms.

"corporate defense firm"