
Given those limited choices, then sure. But the real choice is neither.

Batman 3 was bad, which I assume we're still considering to be worse than good?

Also, because Europe lends itself to good/evil stories, which are simpler to tell, if still difficult to do masterfully. The Pacific is internal, see The Thin Red Line, for example.

Generals invading Russia?

Easy. Letter was too generous, letter modifier was too harsh.

It's a statute of Poochie.

I reach for Fight Milk. For bodyguards.

It does happen, but as shown by the particular names you pulled out, it's pretty rare. I mean, only one of the six Friends arguably made it to the next level, and it didn't hurt that the one (Aniston) was the prettiest of the women, and her movie career (which is stalled?) consisted mostly of bland romantic comedy.

Galactus has T-rex arms! Kinda blunts some of the menace of the character.

What material? The twitter jokes. Yay, investigative reporting. Also, can we please not take comedy cues from Jezebel/(most of the internet)? The first of the three jokes they pulled isn't any good, but none of the three are making fun of Rianna, the two more recent ones are clearly indictments of our society (and us

It's almost as if, when evaluating a basketball player, you should give the benefit of the doubt to the greatest basketball coach of all time over a child who is dumb enough to want to go to the draft in person Stephen A. Smith.

If the character is bigger than the actor, why are half the people from game of thrones in the article? I could see maybe the three main characters, but a tertiary character like the one Dormer plays? Might as well just list the entire cast at that point.

It's almost as if, when evaluating a basketball player, you should give the benefit of the doubt to the greatest basketball coach of all time over a child who is dumb enough to want to go to the draft in person.

"Maybe it’s always the person you least suspect because you’re not a good detective.”

"There is nothing nicer than an ice cold glass of vanilla milkshake."

A lot of people survived both those events.

Obama? Because Hawaii's statehood is questioned?

Why are we still including hockey in the "Big Four"? Soccer has eclipsed it as part of the zeitgeist, not to mention ratings are higher and attendance is at least on par. (Factual nature of ratings and attendance not guaranteed.)

yes, i'd prefer the death star be blown up in a non-explosive manner please.

"Plus, the level of detail in each background pays dividends in one of
the series’ best sequences, where Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi thwart an
assassination attempt on Padmé and then chase the killer through the
busy airborne highways of Coruscant—moving at any moment through
vehicle-packed x-, y-, or z-axes in their