
That's a victory. What adblock do you use?

And I thought it was just jealousy of our grammar.

There was most certainly an option (d), but you appeared to have foreclosed that choice when you joined the discussion by calling my post "weak tea" and then proceeding to merely attack what I had written while offering nothing of note in terms of new discussion.

Alternatively, the very first sentence I wrote, which you conveniently ignore: "I don't disagree with any of this."

Considering I wasn't attempting to refute any direct point put forth by Millennial Historian, you still appear to have homed in on a single word that doesn't accurately encompass the point I was making, and chosen to ignore the greater context of the conversation and the overall thread of discussions around the two

I was meeting family for brunch this weekend and some guy had parked his Porsche in this manner. Except he had neglected to notice that one of the spots was at the end of the row and there was enough extra space on the other side for me to squeeze my fifteen-year old Honda civic into the spot, leaving about twelve

I'm sorry, does the use of e.g. confuse you? Is the point invalid unless I scour the microfilm archives for every single review? And I assume you arguing that quoting one bad review is insubstantial while relying on anecdotal evidence of three people on an internet comment board was intended to be ironic.

It took three browsers for me to even find my way to this weird pop-out comment section land.

First, that's not what I was saying. And I'm not arguing that the prequels are better than the original trilogy. But the idea that there is some huge gulf in cinematic quality between the two is generally proclaimed by those who possess a certain nostalgia for the original, a nostalgia often rooted in adolescent

Sure. Just noting that it's not as if the orig. trilogy was penned by Bill Shakespeare

An ending where a bunch of furry bear-like creatures dance around a fire to world-music while three ghosts stare at a single man who smiles back at them?

I don't disagree with any of this. But I would note that what people connected to with the original trilogy when they were 13 years old might not be what they have convinced themselves they connected with when looking back from their middle-aged life.

The Emperor has been expecting you.

Maybe in the sciences, but art is different. Artistic success is not a binary proposition, there is an inherent value in expression, regardless of success.

"Good intentions are good for children; in art, you stick the landing or you don't."

Yeah! All smart and interesting people know that the prequels are terrible, but the original trilogy is pure genius.

This comment section is going to be super boring.

"By having its audience watch and select the best pilots to be put into development"

It seems to have a lot to do with your personal satisfaction. Because there doesn't seem to be much other reason for continuing to make the same flawed argument multiple times.

I'm now convincing myself that Paul W.S. Anderson has twin secretaries—Garfield and McKinley.