
Each Wes Anderson film re-made by Paul Thomas Anderson and each Paul Thomas Anderson film re-made by Wes Anderson.

Laughed maybe three of four times during this episode, mostly at Cartman constantly misidentifing the other kids when dressed as ninjas. None of the cop stuff or ISIS stuff was funny.

It's not caring or having opinions, it's the ability to do so with intelligence. The problem with South Park, and maybe this is both my growing older and the show declining in quality as Matt & Trey have fewer things they haven't already mined in more interesting ways, but they too often miss the right side of the

It might be, although the review of this episode is such a mess that I'm not sure what I'd be slamming. I guess the letter grade?

South Park's political theorizing was much more interesting when I was 22 years old.

Counterpoint: Tony Bennet and Bill Evans is fantastic.

Not sure. It's on the internet though.

Clarence Halloween episode review:

"I am glad the case doesn’t go to court, because court scenes tend to miss more often than hit on this show, and the story accomplishes a lot of what it needs to without having to take it to court."glad the case doesn’t go to court, because court scenes tend to miss more often than hit on this show, and the story

Need infinity plus one chances.

"And God took Adam's rib and from it created Eve, and God gave Adam dominion over Eve."

Counterpoint: The Smashing Pumpkins and Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.

Counterpoint: The Magnetic Fields and 69 Love Songs.

I'm not sure claiming the reviews literally suck is the ideal way to hype the quality of the comment section.

"macks her in front of four — count 'em, four — SS agents"

I exclaimed the same in the time it took me to scroll my eyes from his question to your answer.

If you have a grill, pork tenderloin marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, honey and ginger is delicious. Serve with a mix of non-specific Asian greens flashed and mixed with crispy garlic. All over a bed of rice.

I think Teti has his definition of Karma backwards.

I forget exactly where I heard/read it, but there's an variation of the popular theory about the result of the experiment that I find more nuanced and actually convincing. Basically, it's that the experiment didn't show the power of authority, but the power that the idea of "scientific progress" could have in

Exec. Decisions was not good. Plus, Segal was in that film for five minutes. Never saw more than a few minutes of Machete; seemed pretty bad too. Did not even know Segal was in that—cameo appearance?